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Commit e0828a57 authored by Дмитрий Никулин's avatar Дмитрий Никулин Committed by Vitaly Lipatov

Change Russian variables.none.tmpl to English version due to Perl unicode problem

parent 191d86fb
......@@ -16,48 +16,20 @@
[% terms = {
"bug" => "ошибка",
"bug_gen" => "ошибки",
"bug_dat" => "ошибке",
"bug_acc" => "ошибку",
"bug_abl" => "ошибкой",
"bug_obj" => "ошибке",
"Bug" => "Ошибка",
"Bug_gen" => "Ошибки",
"Bug_dat" => "Ошибке",
"Bug_acc" => "Ошибку",
"Bug_abl" => "Ошибкой",
"Bug_obj" => "Ошибке",
"abug" => "ошибка", # стараемся не использовать в Bugzilla-ru
"ABug" => "Ошибка", # стараемся не использовать в Bugzilla-ru
"bugs" => "ошибки",
"bugs_gen" => "ошибок",
"bugs_dat" => "ошибкам",
"bugs_acc" => "ошибки",
"bugs_abl" => "ошибками",
"bugs_obj" => "ошибках",
"Bugs" => "Ошибки",
"Bugs_gen" => "Ошибок",
"Bugs_dat" => "Ошибкам",
"Bugs_acc" => "Ошибки",
"Bugs_abl" => "Ошибками",
"Bugs_obj" => "Ошибках",
"zeroSearchResults" => "Ошибок не найдено",
"bug" => "bug",
"Bug" => "Bug",
"abug" => "a bug",
"Abug" => "A bug",
"aBug" => "a Bug",
"ABug" => "A Bug",
"bugs" => "bugs",
"Bugs" => "Bugs",
"comment" => "comment",
"comments" => "comments",
"zeroSearchResults" => "Zarro Boogs found",
"Bugzilla" => "Bugzilla"
[% MACRO numeral(n, name1, name2, name5) BLOCK %]
[% n1 = n % 10 %]
[% n10 = n % 100 - n1 %]
[% IF n10 == 10 || n1 == 0 || n1 > 4 %]
[% name5 %]
[% ELSIF n1 == 1 %]
[% name1 %]
[% ELSE %]
[% name2 %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% USE Hook %]
[% Hook.process("end") %]
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
[%# This is a list of terms that may be changed to "brand" the Bugzilla
# instance (for example, referring to "bugs" as "issues".) When used, these
# strings are used in several different types of content, and are not
# protected with Template-Toolkit FILTERs. Consequently, no special
# characters are allowed.
# Remember to PROCESS rather than INCLUDE this template.
[% terms = {
"bug" => "ошибка",
"bug_gen" => "ошибки",
"bug_dat" => "ошибке",
"bug_acc" => "ошибку",
"bug_abl" => "ошибкой",
"bug_obj" => "ошибке",
"Bug" => "Ошибка",
"Bug_gen" => "Ошибки",
"Bug_dat" => "Ошибке",
"Bug_acc" => "Ошибку",
"Bug_abl" => "Ошибкой",
"Bug_obj" => "Ошибке",
"abug" => "ошибка", # стараемся не использовать в Bugzilla-ru
"ABug" => "Ошибка", # стараемся не использовать в Bugzilla-ru
"bugs" => "ошибки",
"bugs_gen" => "ошибок",
"bugs_dat" => "ошибкам",
"bugs_acc" => "ошибки",
"bugs_abl" => "ошибками",
"bugs_obj" => "ошибках",
"Bugs" => "Ошибки",
"Bugs_gen" => "Ошибок",
"Bugs_dat" => "Ошибкам",
"Bugs_acc" => "Ошибки",
"Bugs_abl" => "Ошибками",
"Bugs_obj" => "Ошибках",
"zeroSearchResults" => "Ошибок не найдено",
"Bugzilla" => "Bugzilla"
[% USE Hook %]
[% Hook.process("end") %]
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