Bug 124589 - support database replication

r=myk, a=justdave
......@@ -96,14 +96,6 @@ sub initBug {
# this verification should already have been done by caller
# my $loginok = quietly_check_login();
$self->{'whoid'} = $user_id;
my $query = "
......@@ -96,14 +96,6 @@ sub initBug {
# this verification should already have been done by caller
# my $loginok = quietly_check_login();
$self->{'whoid'} = $user_id;
my $query = "
......@@ -138,7 +138,11 @@ sub SetParam {
my $entry = $params{$name};
# sanity check the value
if (exists $entry->{'checker'}) {
# XXX - This runs the checks. Which would be good, except that
# check_shadowdb creates the database as a sideeffect, and so the
# checker fails the second time arround...
if ($name ne 'shadowdb' && exists $entry->{'checker'}) {
my $err = $entry->{'checker'}->($value, $entry);
die "Param $name is not valid: $err" unless $err eq '';
......@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ while (my @row = FetchSQLData()) {
# Switch back from the shadow database to the regular database so PutFooter()
# can determine the current user even if the "logincookies" table is corrupted
# in the shadow database.
SendSQL("USE $::db_name");
# Check for bug privacy and set $bug->{isingroups} = 1 if private
# to 1 or more groups
......@@ -478,7 +478,11 @@ LocalVar('db_pass', '
$db_pass = \'\';
LocalVar('db_sock', '
# Enter a path to the unix socket for mysql. If this is blank, then mysql\'s
# compiled-in default will be used. You probably want that.
$db_sock = \'\';
LocalVar('db_check', '
......@@ -619,6 +623,7 @@ my $my_db_host = ${*{$main::{'db_host'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_db_port = ${*{$main::{'db_port'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_db_name = ${*{$main::{'db_name'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_db_user = ${*{$main::{'db_user'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_db_sock = ${*{$main::{'db_sock'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_db_pass = ${*{$main::{'db_pass'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_index_html = ${*{$main::{'index_html'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_create_htaccess = ${*{$main::{'create_htaccess'}}{SCALAR}};
......@@ -1212,10 +1217,6 @@ my $db_base = 'mysql';
# pretty one saying they need to install it. -- justdave@syndicomm.com
#use DBI;
# get a handle to the low-level DBD driver
my $drh = DBI->install_driver($db_base)
or die "Can't connect to the $db_base. Is the database installed and up and running?\n";
if ($my_db_check) {
# Do we have the database itself?
......@@ -1226,6 +1227,9 @@ if ($my_db_check) {
# removed the $db_name because we don't know it exists yet, and this will fail
# if we request it here and it doesn't. - justdave@syndicomm.com 2000/09/16
my $dsn = "DBI:$db_base:;$my_db_host;$my_db_port";
if ($my_db_sock ne "") {
$dsn .= ";mysql_socket=$my_db_sock";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $my_db_user, $my_db_pass)
or die "Can't connect to the $db_base database. Is the database " .
"installed and\nup and running? Do you have the correct username " .
......@@ -1249,7 +1253,7 @@ if ($my_db_check) {
my @databases = $dbh->func('_ListDBs');
unless (grep /^$my_db_name$/, @databases) {
print "Creating database $my_db_name ...\n";
$drh->func('createdb', $my_db_name, "$my_db_host:$my_db_port", $my_db_user, $my_db_pass, 'admin')
$dbh->func('createdb', $my_db_name, 'admin')
or die <<"EOF"
The '$my_db_name' database is not accessible. This might have several reasons:
......@@ -1268,6 +1272,10 @@ EOF
# now get a handle to the database:
my $connectstring = "dbi:$db_base:$my_db_name:host=$my_db_host:port=$my_db_port";
if ($my_db_sock ne "") {
$connectstring .= ";mysql_socket=$my_db_sock";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($connectstring, $my_db_user, $my_db_pass)
or die "Can't connect to the table '$connectstring'.\n",
"Have you read the Bugzilla Guide in the doc directory? Have you read the doc of '$db_base'?\n";
......@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ use vars qw(@param_list);
sub check_priority {
my ($value) = (@_);
if (lsearch(\@::legal_priority, $value) < 0) {
return "Must be a legal priority value: one of " .
......@@ -68,7 +67,11 @@ sub check_shadowdb {
if ($value eq "") {
return "";
if (!Param("updateshadowdb")) {
# Can't test this, because ConnectToDatabase uses the param, but
# we can't set this before testing....
return "";
while (&::MoreSQLData()) {
my $n = &::FetchOneColumn();
......@@ -76,11 +79,21 @@ sub check_shadowdb {
return "The $n database already exists. If that's really the name you want to use for the backup, please CAREFULLY make the existing database go away somehow, and then try again.";
# We trust the admin....
&::SendSQL("CREATE DATABASE $value");
&::SendSQL("INSERT INTO shadowlog (command) VALUES ('SYNCUP')", 1);
return "";
sub check_shadowdbhost {
my ($value) = (@_);
if ($value && Param("updateshadowdb")) {
return "Sorry, you can't have the shadowdb on a different connection to the main database if you want Bugzilla to handle the replication for you.";
return "";
sub check_urlbase {
my ($url) = (@_);
if ($url !~ m:^http.*/$:) {
......@@ -247,28 +260,92 @@ sub check_netmask {
name => 'queryagainstshadowdb',
desc => 'If this is on, and the <tt>shadowdb</tt> parameter is set, then ' .
'certain queries will happen against the shadow database.',
type => 'b',
default => 0,
name => 'updateshadowdb',
desc => 'If this is on, and the <tt>shadowdb</tt> parameter is set, then ' .
'Bugzilla will use the old style of shadow database in which it ' .
'manually propogates changes to the shadow database. Otherwise, ' .
'Bugzilla will assume that the <tt>shadowdb</tt> database (if ' .
'any) is being updated via replication. <b>WARNING! This ' .
'manual replication is deprecated and is going away soon ' .
'(<u>BEFORE</u> the next stable Bugzilla release).</b> It has ' .
'several problems with data consistency, and replication is the ' .
'preferred option. If this parameter is on, and you disable it, ' .
'make sure that the shadow database is already set up for ' .
'replication, or queries will return stale data.',
type => 'b',
default => 1,
# This entry must be _after_ updateshadowdb, because check_shadowdbhost uses
# that
name => 'shadowdbhost',
desc => 'The host the shadow database is on. If blank, then then we ' .
'assume it\'s on the main database host (as defined in ' .
'localconfig) and ingore the <tt>shadowdbport</tt> and ' .
'<tt>shadowdbsock</tt> parameters below, which means that this ' .
'parameter <em>must be filled in<em> if your shadow database is ' .
'on a different instance of the mysql server, even if that ' .
'instance runs on the same machine as the main database. Note ' .
'that <tt>updateshadowdb<tt> must be off if the shadow database ' .
'is on a difference mysql instance, since Bugzilla can\'t ' .
'propogate changes between instances itself, and this should be ' .
'left blank if the shadow database is on the same instance, ' .
'since Bugzilla can then reuse the same database connection for '.
'better performance.',
type => 't',
default => '',
checker => \&check_shadowdbhost,
name => 'shadowdbport',
desc => 'The port the shadow database is on. Ignored if ' .
'<tt>shadowdbhost</tt> is blank. Note: if the host is the local ' .
'machine, then MySQL will ignore this setting, and you must ' .
'specify a socket below.',
type => 't',
default => '3306',
checker => \&check_numeric,
name => 'shadowdbsock',
desc => 'The socket used to connect to the shadow database, if the host ' .
'is the local machine. This setting is required because MySQL ' .
'ignores the port specified by the client and connects using ' .
'its compiled-in socket path (on unix machines) when connecting ' .
'from a client to a local server. If you leave this blank, and ' .
'have the database on localhost, then the <tt>shadowdbport</tt> ' .
'will be ignored.',
type => 't',
default => '',
# This entry must be _after_ the shadowdb{host,port,sock} settings so that
# they can be used in the validation here
name => 'shadowdb',
desc => 'If non-empty, then this is the name of another database in ' .
'which Bugzilla will keep a shadow read-only copy of everything. ' .
'This is done so that long slow read-only operations can be used ' .
'against this db, and not lock up things for everyone else. ' .
'Turning on this parameter will create the given database ; be ' .
'careful not to use the name of an existing database with useful ' .
'data in it!',
'careful not to use the name of an existing database with useful ' . 'data in it!',
type => 't',
default => '',
checker => \&check_shadowdb
name => 'queryagainstshadowdb',
desc => 'If this is on, and the shadowdb is set, then queries will ' .
'happen against the shadow database.',
type => 'b',
default => 0,
name => 'useLDAP',
desc => 'Turn this on to use an LDAP directory for user authentication ' .
'instead of the Bugzilla database. (User profiles will still be ' .
......@@ -101,9 +101,11 @@ foreach my $i (GetParamList()) {
unlink "data/versioncache";
print "<PRE>";
system("./syncshadowdb", "-v") if (Param("shadowdb"));
print "</PRE>";
if (Param("updateshadowdb")) {
print "<PRE>";
system("./syncshadowdb", "-v");
print "</PRE>";
print "OK, done.<p>\n";
print "<a href=editparams.cgi>Edit the params some more.</a><p>\n";
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org>
# Dan Mosedale <dmose@mozilla.org>
# Jacob Steenhagen <jake@bugzilla.org>
# Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@cs.mcgill.ca>
# Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@student.usyd.edu.au>
# Christopher Aillon <christopher@aillon.com>
# Joel Peshkin <bugreport@peshkin.net>
......@@ -107,29 +107,70 @@ $::dbwritesallowed = 1;
sub ConnectToDatabase {
my ($useshadow) = (@_);
if (!defined $::db) {
my $name = $::db_name;
if ($useshadow && Param("shadowdb") && Param("queryagainstshadowdb")) {
$name = Param("shadowdb");
$::dbwritesallowed = 0;
$::dbwritesallowed = !$useshadow;
$useshadow = ($useshadow && Param("shadowdb") &&
my $useshadow_dbh = ($useshadow && Param("shadowdbhost") ne "");
my $name = $useshadow ? Param("shadowdb") : $::db_name;
my $connectstring;
if ($useshadow_dbh) {
if (defined $::shadow_dbh) {
$::db = $::shadow_dbh;
$connectstring="DBI:mysql:host=" . Param("shadowdbhost") .
";database=$name;port=" . Param("shadowdbport");
if (Param("shadowdbsock") ne "") {
$connectstring .= ";mysql_socket=" . Param("shadowdbsock");
$::db = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=$::db_host;database=$name;port=$::db_port", $::db_user, $::db_pass)
|| die "Bugzilla is currently broken. Please try again later. " .
"If the problem persists, please contact " . Param("maintainer") .
". The error you should quote is: " . $DBI::errstr;
} else {
if (defined $::main_dbh) {
$::db = $::main_dbh;
if ($::db_sock ne "") {
$connectstring .= ";mysql_socket=$::db_sock";
$::db = DBI->connect($connectstring, $::db_user, $::db_pass)
|| die "Bugzilla is currently broken. Please try again " .
"later. If the problem persists, please contact " .
Param("maintainer") . ". The error you should quote is: " .
if ($useshadow_dbh) {
$::shadow_dbh = $::db;
} else {
$::main_dbh = $::db;
sub ReconnectToShadowDatabase {
# This will connect us to the shadowdb if we're not already connected,
# but if we're using the same dbh for both the main db and the shadowdb,
# be sure to USE the correct db
if (Param("shadowdb") && Param("queryagainstshadowdb")) {
SendSQL("USE " . Param("shadowdb"));
$::dbwritesallowed = 0;
if (!Param("shadowdbhost")) {
SendSQL("USE " . Param("shadowdb"));
sub ReconnectToMainDatabase {
if (Param("shadowdb") && Param("queryagainstshadowdb")) {
if (!Param("shadowdbhost")) {
SendSQL("USE $::db_name");
my $shadowchanges = 0;
sub SyncAnyPendingShadowChanges {
if ($shadowchanges) {
if ($shadowchanges && Param("updateshadowdb")) {
my $pid;
if ($pid = fork) { # create a fork
......@@ -218,7 +259,7 @@ sub SendSQL {
my $iswrite = ($str =~ /^(INSERT|REPLACE|UPDATE|DELETE)/i);
if ($iswrite && !$::dbwritesallowed) {
die "Evil code attempted to write stuff to the shadow database.";
die "Evil code attempted to write '$str' to the shadow database";
if ($str =~ /^LOCK TABLES/i && $str !~ /shadowlog/ && $::dbwritesallowed) {
$str =~ s/^LOCK TABLES/LOCK TABLES shadowlog WRITE, /i;
......@@ -242,7 +283,7 @@ sub SendSQL {
die "$str: " . $errstr;
if (!$dontshadow && $iswrite && Param("shadowdb")) {
if (!$dontshadow && $iswrite && Param("shadowdb") && Param("updateshadowdb")) {
my $q = SqlQuote($str);
my $insertid;
if ($str =~ /^(INSERT|REPLACE)/i) {
......@@ -537,7 +578,7 @@ sub GetVersionTable {
if (time() - $mtime > 3600) {
use Token;
Token::CleanTokenTable() if $::dbwritesallowed;
require 'data/versioncache';
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ sub sillyness {
open SAVEOUT,">/dev/null";
$zz = $::db;
$zz = $::dbwritesallowed;
$zz = $::db_host;
$zz = $::db_port;
my $verbose = 0;
......@@ -98,6 +100,15 @@ if (!Param("shadowdb")) {
if (!Param("updateshadowdb")) {
Verbose("This shadow database is not set to be updated by Bugzilla.\nSee the mysql replication FAQ if you want to pause the main db until the\nshadowdb catches up");
# I could run the commands here, but that involves keeping a connection
# open to the main db and the shadowdb at the same time, and our current
# db stuff doesn't support that. Its not sufficient to reconnect, because
# the lock on the main db will be dropped when the connection closes...
exit 1;
if (Param("shutdownhtml") && ! $force) {
Verbose("Bugzilla was shutdown prior to running syncshadowdb. \n" .
" If you wish to sync anyway, use the -force command line option");
......@@ -115,8 +126,9 @@ if ($shutdown) {
# Now we need to wait for existing connections to this database to clear. We
# do this by looking for connections to the main or shadow database using
# 'mysqladmin processlist'
my $cmd = "$::mysqlpath/mysqladmin -u $::db_user";
if ($::db_pass) { $cmd .= " -p$::db_pass" }
my $cmd = "$::mysqlpath/mysqladmin -u $::db_user -h $::db_host -P $::db_port";
if ($::db_pass) { $cmd .= " -p$::db_pass"; }
if ($::db_sock) { $cmd .= " -S$::db_sock"; }
$cmd .= " processlist";
my $found_proc = 1;
# We need to put together a nice little regular expression to use in the
......@@ -240,6 +252,7 @@ if ($syncall) {
Verbose("Dumping database to a temp file ($tempfile).");
my @ARGS = ("-u", $::db_user);
if ($::db_pass) { push @ARGS, "-p$::db_pass" }
if ($::db_sock) { push @ARGS, "-S$::db_sock" }
push @ARGS, "-l", "-e", $::db_name, @tables;
open SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT"; # stash the original output stream
open STDOUT, ">$tempfile"; # redirect to file
......@@ -251,10 +264,13 @@ if ($syncall) {
if ($::db_pass) {
$extra .= " -p$::db_pass";
if ($::db_sock) {
$extra .= " -S$::db_sock";
if ($verbose) {
$extra .= " -v";
open(MYSQL, "cat $tempfile | $::mysqlpath/mysql $extra " .
open(MYSQL, "/bin/cat $tempfile | $::mysqlpath/mysql $extra " .
Param("shadowdb") . "|") || die "Couldn't do db copy";
my $count = 0;
while (<MYSQL>) {
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