Commit e3cf843d authored by's avatar

Bug 346594: Move GraphViz check into Bugzilla::Install::Requirements

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=myk
parent e47049d7
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
......@@ -347,6 +348,36 @@ sub check_requirements {
sub check_graphviz {
my ($output) = @_;
return 1 if (Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} =~ /^https?:/);
printf("Checking for %15s %-9s ", "GraphViz", "(any)") if $output;
my $return = 0;
if(-x Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'}) {
print "ok: found\n" if $output;
$return = 1;
} else {
print "not a valid executable: " . Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} . "\n";
my $webdotdir = bz_locations()->{'webdotdir'};
# Check .htaccess allows access to generated images
if (-e "$webdotdir/.htaccess") {
my $htaccess = new IO::File("$webdotdir/.htaccess", 'r')
|| die "$webdotdir/.htaccess: " . $!;
if (!grep(/png/, $htaccess->getlines)) {
print "Dependency graph images are not accessible.\n";
print "delete $webdotdir/.htaccess and re-run to fix.\n";
return $return;
# This was originally clipped from the libnet Makefile.PL, adapted here to
# use the below vers_cmp routine for accurate version checking.
......@@ -499,6 +530,16 @@ represent the name of the module and the version that we require.
C<optional> - Which optional modules are installed and
up-to-date enough for Bugzilla.
=item C<check_graphviz($output)>
Description: Checks if the graphviz binary specified in the
C<webdotbase> parameter is a valid binary, or a valid URL.
Params: C<$output> - C<$true> if you want the function to
print out information about what it's doing.
Returns: C<1> if the check was successful, C<0> otherwise.
=item C<vers_cmp($a, $b)>
Description: This is a comparison function, like you would use in
......@@ -375,7 +375,6 @@ create_htaccess() if $lc_hash->{'create_htaccess'};
# XXX Some parts of checksetup still need these, right now.
my $datadir = bz_locations()->{'datadir'};
my $webdotdir = bz_locations()->{'webdotdir'};
# Remove parameters from the params file that no longer exist in Bugzilla,
# and set the defaults for new ones
......@@ -402,27 +401,7 @@ fix_all_file_permissions(!$silent);
# If we are using a local 'dot' binary, verify the specified binary exists
# and that the generated images are accessible.
if( Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} && Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} !~ /^https?:/ ) {
printf("Checking for %15s %-9s ", "GraphViz", "(any)") unless $silent;
if(-x Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'}) {
print "ok: found\n" unless $silent;
} else {
print "not a valid executable: " . Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} . "\n";
# Check .htaccess allows access to generated images
if(-e "$webdotdir/.htaccess") {
open HTACCESS, "$webdotdir/.htaccess";
if(! grep(/png/,<HTACCESS>)) {
print "Dependency graph images are not accessible.\n";
print "delete $webdotdir/.htaccess and re-run to fix.\n";
print "\n" unless $silent;
check_graphviz(!$silent) if Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'};
# Populate groups table
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