Commit eb625c3c authored by Dylan William Hardison's avatar Dylan William Hardison Committed by Давид Добряков

fix utf8mb4 mode error

parent 1015a17e
......@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@ sub read_param_file {
die "The $file file does not exist."
. ' You probably need to run',;
die "the param utf8 must be set to utf8mb4" unless $params{utf8} eq 'utf8mb4';
return \%params;
"metadata": {
"name": "Bugzilla Task Graph",
"description": "A suite of tests to check the quality of the Bugzilla codebase.",
"owner": "",
"source": ""
"tasks": [
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"maxRunTime": 3000,
"task": {
"expires": "2018-02-18T17:33:38.806Z",
"metadata": {
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"command": [""],
"env": {
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"path": "/runtests.log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
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"task": {
"expires": "2018-02-18T17:33:38.806Z",
"metadata": {
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"command": [""],
"env": {
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"path": "/runtests.log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
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"build": {
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"task": {
"expires": "2018-02-18T17:33:38.806Z",
"metadata": {
"name": "WebService API Tests (MySQL)"
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"workerType": "b2gtest",
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"command": [""],
"env": {
"TEST_SUITE": "webservices"
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"path": "/runtests.log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
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"path": "/var/log/httpd/error_log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
"extra": {
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"build": {
"platform": "linux64"
"reruns": 3,
"maxRunTime": 7200,
"task": {
"expires": "2018-02-18T17:33:38.806Z",
"metadata": {
"name": "Selenium Tests (MySQL)"
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"workerType": "b2gtest",
"payload": {
"image": "bugzilla/bugzilla-ci",
"command": [""],
"env": {
"TEST_SUITE": "selenium"
"artifacts": {
"public/runtests_log": {
"type": "file",
"path": "/tmp/runtests.log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
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"path": "/var/log/httpd/error_log",
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"path": "/tmp/selenium.log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
"extra": {
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"build": {
"platform": "linux64"
"reruns": 3,
"maxRunTime": 7200,
"task": {
"expires": "2018-02-18T17:33:38.806Z",
"metadata": {
"name": "WebService API Tests (Pg)"
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"workerType": "b2gtest",
"payload": {
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"command": [""],
"env": {
"TEST_SUITE": "webservices"
"artifacts": {
"public/runtests_log": {
"type": "file",
"path": "/tmp/runtests.log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
"public/httpd_error_log": {
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"path": "/var/log/httpd/error_log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
"extra": {
"treeherder": {
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"machine": {
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"build": {
"platform": "linux64"
"reruns": 3,
"maxRunTime": 7200,
"task": {
"expires": "2018-02-18T17:33:38.806Z",
"metadata": {
"name": "Selenium Tests (Pg)"
"provisionerId": "aws-provisioner-v1",
"workerType": "b2gtest",
"payload": {
"image": "bugzilla/bugzilla-ci",
"command": [""],
"env": {
"TEST_SUITE": "selenium"
"artifacts": {
"public/runtests_log": {
"type": "file",
"path": "/tmp/runtests.log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
"public/httpd_error_log": {
"type": "file",
"path": "/var/log/httpd/error_log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
"public/selenium_log": {
"type": "file",
"path": "/tmp/selenium.log",
"expires": "2018-02-17T17:33:38.806Z"
"extra": {
"treeherder": {
"symbol": "Sel-Pg",
"machine": {
"platform": "linux64"
"build": {
"platform": "linux64"
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