Commit ed4af424 authored by's avatar

Bug 103664 - Tests should "use strict;" and not contain any tabs. We should…

Bug 103664 - Tests should "use strict;" and not contain any tabs. We should also use the TEST_VERBOSE environment variable instead of VERBOSE. Patch by David D. Kilzer <> Additional edits by myself to add the emacs mode line. Also, the change to was done by me.
parent b929c225
export VERBOSE=0
PART1='use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose='
PART2='; runtests @ARGV;'
for f in $*; do
if [ $f == "--verbose" ] ; then
export VERBOSE=1
/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -e "${PART1}${VERBOSE}${PART2}" t/*.t
/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -e "${PART1}${TEST_VERBOSE}${PART2}" t/*.t
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
......@@ -40,17 +41,15 @@ BEGIN { use Support::Files; }
BEGIN { $tests = @Support::Files::testitems + 4; }
BEGIN { use Test::More tests => $tests; }
sub foo {
$warnings = "foo"; #oy!
use strict;
# First now we test the scripts
@testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
my %warnings;
my $verbose = $::ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
my $perlapp = $^X;
my $warnings;
my $verbose = $::ENV{VERBOSE};
foreach $file (@testitems) {
foreach my $file (@testitems) {
$file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
next if (!$file); # skip null entries
open (FILE,$file);
......@@ -60,20 +59,20 @@ foreach $file (@testitems) {
if ($bang =~ m/#!\S*perl\s+-.*T/) {
$T = "T";
$command = "$perlapp"." -c$T $file 2>&1";
# print '@@'.$loginfo.'##';
if ($loginfo =~ /syntax ok$/im) {
$warnings{$_} = 1 foreach ($loginfo =~ /\((W.*?)\)/mg);
if ($1) {
my $command = "$perlapp"." -c$T $file 2>&1";
my $loginfo=`$command`;
#print '@@'.$loginfo.'##';
if ($loginfo =~ /syntax ok$/im) {
$warnings{$_} = 1 foreach ($loginfo =~ /\((W.*?)\)/mg);
if ($1) {
if ($verbose) { print STDERR $loginfo; }
} else {
} else {
} else {
if ($verbose) { print STDERR $loginfo; }
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
......@@ -40,34 +41,37 @@ BEGIN { use Support::Files; }
BEGIN { $tests = @Support::Files::testitems * 2; }
BEGIN { use Test::More tests => $tests; }
@testitems = @Support::Files::testitems; # get the files to test.
use strict;
foreach $file (@testitems) {
my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems; # get the files to test.
my $verbose = $::ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
foreach my $file (@testitems) {
$file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
next if (!$file); # skip null entries
$filecontent = `cat $file`;
if ($filecontent !~ /\/usr\/bonsaitools\/bin\/perl/) {
ok(1,"$file does not have a shebang");
} else {
if ($filecontent =~ m#/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w#) {
ok(1,"$file uses -w");
} else {
ok(0,"$file is MISSING -w");
my $filecontent = `cat $file`;
if ($filecontent !~ /\/usr\/bonsaitools\/bin\/perl/) {
ok(1,"$file does not have a shebang");
} else {
if ($filecontent =~ m#/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w#) {
ok(1,"$file uses -w");
} else {
ok(0,"$file is MISSING -w");
foreach $file (@testitems) {
$file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
next if (!$file); # skip null entries
$filecontent = `cat $file`;
if ($filecontent !~ /use strict/) {
ok(0,"$file DOES NOT use strict");
} else {
ok(1,"$file uses strict");
foreach my $file (@testitems) {
$file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
next if (!$file); # skip null entries
my $filecontent = `cat $file`;
if ($filecontent !~ /use strict/) {
ok(0,"$file DOES NOT use strict");
} else {
ok(1,"$file uses strict");
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
......@@ -40,19 +41,22 @@ BEGIN { use Support::Files; }
BEGIN { $tests = @Support::Files::testitems; }
BEGIN { use Test::More tests => $tests; }
@testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
my $verbose = $::ENV{VERBOSE};
foreach $file (@testitems) {
$file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
next if (!$file); # skip null entries
$command = "$perlapp -c -It/Support -MSystemexec $file 2>&1";
if ($loginfo =~ /arguments for Systemexec::system|exec/im) {
ok(0,"$file DOES NOT use proper system or exec calls");
if ($verbose) { print STDERR $loginfo; }
} else {
ok(1,"$file uses proper system and exec calls");
use strict;
my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
my $verbose = $::ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
my $perlapp = $^X;
foreach my $file (@testitems) {
$file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
next if (!$file); # skip null entries
my $command = "$perlapp -c -It -MSupport::Systemexec $file 2>&1";
my $loginfo=`$command`;
if ($loginfo =~ /arguments for Support::Systemexec::(system|exec)/im) {
ok(0,"$file DOES NOT use proper system or exec calls");
if ($verbose) { print STDERR $loginfo; }
} else {
ok(1,"$file uses proper system and exec calls");
......@@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ BEGIN { use Support::Templates; }
BEGIN { $tests = @Support::Templates::testitems * 2; }
BEGIN { use Test::More tests => $tests; }
use strict;
use Template;
my @testitems = @Support::Templates::testitems;
my $include_path = $Support::Templates::include_path;
my $verbose = $::ENV{VERBOSE};
my $verbose = $::ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
# Check to make sure all templates that are referenced in
# Bugzilla exist in the proper place.
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#Bugzilla Test 4#
#Bugzilla Test 5#
BEGIN { use lib "t/"; }
......@@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ BEGIN { use Support::Files; }
BEGIN { $tests = @Support::Files::testitems; }
BEGIN { use Test::More tests => $tests; }
use strict;
my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
my $verbose = $::ENV{VERBOSE};
my $verbose = $::ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
foreach my $file (@testitems) {
open (FILE, "$file");
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
......@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ sub isTestingFile {
my ($file) = @_;
my $exclude;
foreach $exclude (@exclude_files) {
if ($file eq $exclude) { return undef; } # get rid of excluded files.
if ($file eq $exclude) { return undef; } # get rid of excluded files.
if ($file =~ /\.cgi$|\.pl$/) {
......@@ -57,9 +58,9 @@ sub isTestingFile {
foreach $currentfile (@files) {
if (isTestingFile($currentfile)) {
if (isTestingFile($currentfile)) {
package Systemexec;
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package Support::Systemexec;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(system exec);
......@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ foreach my $file (@files) {
my @lines = <FILE>;
close (FILE);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ m/template->process\(\"(.+?)\", .+?\)/) {
if ($line =~ m/template->process\(\"(.+?)\", .+?\)/) {
$template = $1;
push (@testitems, $template) unless $t{$template};
$t{$template} = 1;
push (@testitems, $template) unless $t{$template};
$t{$template} = 1;
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