Commit f1fe4acc authored by's avatar

Bug 460376: Make module-install instructions localizable.

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=mkanat
parent d2ef0e2e
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ package Bugzilla::Install::Requirements;
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(vers_cmp install_string);
use List::Util qw(max);
use Safe;
......@@ -40,7 +41,9 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
use Bugzilla::Constants;
# This is how many *'s are in the top of each "box" message printed
# by
use constant TABLE_WIDTH => 71;
# The below two constants are subroutines so that they can implement
# a hook. Other than that they are actually constants.
......@@ -366,61 +369,30 @@ sub print_module_instructions {
print "\n* NOTE: You must run any commands listed below as "
. ROOT_USER . ".\n\n";
print "\n", install_string('run_as_root', { root => ROOT_USER }),
my $perl_ver = sprintf('%vd', $^V);
# URL when running Perl 5.8.x.
my $url_to_theory58S = '';
my $repo_up_cmd =
'* *';
# Packages for Perl 5.10 are not compatible with Perl 5.8.
if (vers_cmp($perl_ver, '5.10') > -1) {
$url_to_theory58S = '';
# ActivePerl older than revision 819 require an additional command.
print install_string('ppm_repo_add',
{ theory_url => $url_to_theory58S });
# ActivePerls older than revision 819 require an additional command.
if (_get_activestate_build_id() < 819) {
$repo_up_cmd = <<EOT;
* *
* Then you have to do (also as an Administrator): *
* *
* ppm repo up theory58S *
* *
* Do that last command over and over until you see "theory58S" at the *
* top of the displayed list. *
print install_string('ppm_repo_up');
print <<EOT;
* Note For Windows Users *
* In order to install the modules listed below, you first have to run *
* the following command as an Administrator: *
* *
* ppm repo add theory58S $url_to_theory58S
print "*" x TABLE_WIDTH . "\n";
# Required Modules
if (my @missing = @{$check_results->{missing}}) {
print <<EOT;
* Bugzilla requires you to install some Perl modules which are either *
* missing from your system, or the version on your system is too old. *
* *
* The latest versions of each module can be installed by running the *
* commands below. *
print "COMMANDS:\n\n";
print install_string('modules_message_required') . "\n";
foreach my $package (@missing) {
my $command = install_command($package);
print " $command\n";
......@@ -429,27 +401,14 @@ EOT
if (!$check_results->{one_dbd}) {
print <<EOT;
* In order to access your database, Bugzilla requires that the *
* correct "DBD" module be installed for the database that you are *
* running. *
* *
* Pick and run the correct command below for the database that you *
* plan to use with Bugzilla. *
print install_string('modules_message_db') . "\n";
my %db_modules = %{DB_MODULE()};
foreach my $db (keys %db_modules) {
my $command = install_command($db_modules{$db}->{dbd});
printf "%10s: \%s\n", $db_modules{$db}->{name}, $command;
print ' ' x 12 . "Minimum version required: "
. $db_modules{$db}->{dbd}->{version} . "\n";
print ' ' x 12, install_string('min_version_required'),
$db_modules{$db}->{dbd}->{version}, "\n";
print "\n";
......@@ -457,42 +416,27 @@ EOT
return unless $output;
if (my @missing = @{$check_results->{optional}}) {
print <<EOT;
* Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by *
* installing the latest version you gain access to additional *
* features. *
* *
* The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below, *
* with the name of the feature they enable. If you want to install *
* one of these modules, just run the appropriate command in the *
* "COMMANDS TO INSTALL" section. *
print install_string('modules_message_optional');
# Now we have to determine how large the table cols will be.
my $longest_name = max(map(length($_->{package}), @missing));
# The first column header is at least 11 characters long.
$longest_name = 11 if $longest_name < 11;
# The table is 71 characters long. There are seven mandatory
# The table is TABLE_WIDTH characters long. There are seven mandatory
# characters (* and space) in the string. So, we have a total
# of 64 characters to work with.
my $remaining_space = 64 - $longest_name;
print '*' x 71 . "\n";
# of TABLE_WIDTH - 7 characters to work with.
my $remaining_space = (TABLE_WIDTH - 7) - $longest_name;
printf "* \%${longest_name}s * %-${remaining_space}s *\n",
print '*' x 71 . "\n";
print '*' x TABLE_WIDTH . "\n";
foreach my $package (@missing) {
printf "* \%${longest_name}s * %-${remaining_space}s *\n",
$package->{package}, $package->{feature};
print '*' x 71 . "\n";
print '*' x TABLE_WIDTH . "\n";
print install_string('commands_to_install') . "\n\n";
foreach my $module (@missing) {
my $command = install_command($module);
printf "%15s: $command\n", $module->{package};
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
checking_dbd => 'Checking available perl DBD modules...',
checking_optional => 'The following Perl modules are optional:',
checking_modules => 'Checking perl modules...',
commands_to_install => 'COMMANDS TO INSTALL:',
done => 'done.',
header => "* This is Bugzilla ##bz_ver## on perl ##perl_ver##\n"
. "* Running on ##os_name## ##os_ver##",
......@@ -52,10 +53,74 @@ then the value of the ##column## column that needs to be fixed:
install_module => 'Installing ##module## version ##version##...',
min_version_required => "Minimum version required: ",
# Note: When translating these "modules" messages, don't change the formatting
# if possible, because there is hardcoded formatting in
# Bugzilla::Install::Requirements to match the box formatting.
modules_message_db => <<EOT,
* In order to access your database, Bugzilla requires that the *
* correct "DBD" module be installed for the database that you are *
* running. *
* *
* Pick and run the correct command below for the database that you *
* plan to use with Bugzilla. *
modules_message_optional => <<EOT,
* Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by *
* installing the latest version you gain access to additional *
* features. *
* *
* The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below, *
* with the name of the feature they enable. If you want to install *
* one of these modules, just run the appropriate command in the *
* "COMMANDS TO INSTALL" section. *
modules_message_required => <<EOT,
* Bugzilla requires you to install some Perl modules which are either *
* missing from your system, or the version on your system is too old. *
* *
* The latest versions of each module can be installed by running the *
* commands below. *
module_found => "found v##ver##",
module_not_found => "not found",
module_ok => 'ok',
module_unknown_version => "found unknown version",
ppm_repo_add => <<EOT,
* Note For Windows Users *
* In order to install the modules listed below, you first have to run *
* the following command as an Administrator: *
* *
* ppm repo add theory58S ##theory_url##
ppm_repo_up => <<EOT,
* *
* Then you have to do (also as an Administrator): *
* *
* ppm repo up theory58S *
* *
* Do that last command over and over until you see "theory58S" at the *
* top of the displayed list. *
run_as_root => '* NOTE: You must run any commands listed below as ##root##',
template_precompile => "Precompiling templates...",
template_removing_dir => "Removing existing compiled templates...",
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