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Aug 31, 2006
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Bug 350649: Improve the rendering of POD from Bugzilla::DB
Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=myk
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@@ -1089,82 +1089,141 @@ should not be called from anywhere else.
@@ -1089,82 +1089,141 @@ should not be called from anywhere else.
=head2 Functions
=head2 Functions
=item C<connect_main>
=item C<connect_main>
Description: Function to connect to the main database, returning a new
database handle.
Params: $no_db_name (optional) - If true, Connect to the database
=item B<Description>
server, but don't connect to a specific database. This
is only used when creating a database. After you create
Function to connect to the main database, returning a new database handle.
the database, you should re-create a new Bugzilla::DB object
without using this parameter.
=item B<Params>
Returns: new instance of the DB class
=item C<$no_db_name> (optional) - If true, connect to the database
server, but don't connect to a specific database. This is only used
when creating a database. After you create the database, you should
re-create a new Bugzilla::DB object without using this parameter.
=item B<Returns>
New instance of the DB class
=item C<connect_shadow>
=item C<connect_shadow>
Description: Function to connect to the shadow database, returning a new
database handle.
This routine C<die>s if no shadow database is configured.
=item B<Description>
Params: none
Returns: new instance of the DB class
Function to connect to the shadow database, returning a new database handle.
This routine C<die>s if no shadow database is configured.
=item B<Params> (none)
=item B<Returns>
A new instance of the DB class
=item C<bz_check_requirements>
=item B<Description>
Checks to make sure that you have the correct DBD and database version
installed for the database that Bugzilla will be using. Prints a message
and exits if you don't pass the requirements.
If C<$db_check> is false (from F<localconfig>), we won't check the
database version.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$output> - C<true> if the function should display informational
output about what it's doing, such as versions found.
=item C<bz_check_requirements($output)>
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
Description: Checks to make sure that you have the correct
DBD and database version installed for the
database that Bugzilla will be using.
Prints a message and exits if you don't
pass the requirements.
If C<$db_check> is true (from F<localconfig>), we won't
check the database version.
Params: C<$output> - C<true> if the function should display
=item C<bz_create_database>
informational output about what it's doing, such
as versions found.
Returns: nothing
Description: Creates an empty database with the name
Creates an empty database with the name C<$db_name>, if that database
C<$db_name>, if that database doesn't
doesn't already exist. Prints an error message and exits if we can't
already exist. Prints an error message and
create the database.
exits if we can't create the database.
Params: none
=item B<Params> (none)
Returns: nothing
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=item C<_connect>
=item C<_connect>
Description: Internal function, creates and returns a new, connected
instance of the correct DB class.
This routine C<die>s if no driver is specified.
=item B<Description>
Params: $driver = name of the database driver to use
$host = host running the database we are connecting to
Internal function, creates and returns a new, connected instance of the
$dbname = name of the database to connect to
correct DB class. This routine C<die>s if no driver is specified.
$port = port the database is listening on
$sock = socket the database is listening on
=item B<Params>
$user = username used to log in to the database
$pass = password used to log in to the database
Returns: new instance of the DB class
=item C<$driver> - name of the database driver to use
=item C<$host> - host running the database we are connecting to
=item C<$dbname> - name of the database to connect to
=item C<$port> - port the database is listening on
=item C<$sock> - socket the database is listening on
=item C<$user> - username used to log in to the database
=item C<$pass> - password used to log in to the database
=item B<Returns>
A new instance of the DB class
=item C<_handle_error>
=item C<_handle_error>
Description: Function passed to the DBI::connect call for error handling.
Function passed to the DBI::connect call for error handling. It shortens the
It shortens the
error for printing.
error for printing.
=item C<import>
=item C<import>
Overrides the standard import method to check that derived class
Overrides the standard import method to check that derived class
implements all required abstract methods. Also calls original
implements all required abstract methods. Also calls original implementation
in its super class.
in its super class.
Note: Methods which can be implemented generically for all DBs are implemented in
Note: Methods which can be implemented generically for all DBs are implemented in
@@ -1174,185 +1233,478 @@ be implemented for all supported databases separately.
@@ -1174,185 +1233,478 @@ be implemented for all supported databases separately.
To avoid confusion with standard DBI methods, all methods returning string with
To avoid confusion with standard DBI methods, all methods returning string with
formatted SQL command have prefix C<sql_>. All other methods have prefix C<bz_>.
formatted SQL command have prefix C<sql_>. All other methods have prefix C<bz_>.
=over 4
=head2 Constructor
=item C<new>
=item C<new>
Description: Constructor
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Params: $user = username used to log in to the database
=item B<Description>
$pass = password used to log in to the database
$host = host running the database we are connecting to
Constructor. Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific
$dbname = name of the database to connect to
$port = port the database is listening on
$sock = socket the database is listening on
=item B<Params>
Returns: new instance of the DB class
Note: The constructor should create a DSN from the parameters provided and
then call C<db_new()> method of its super class to create a new
class instance. See C<db_new> description in this module. As per
=item C<$user> - username used to log in to the database
DBI documentation, all class variables must be prefixed with
"private_". See L<DBI>.
=item C<$pass> - password used to log in to the database
=item C<$host> - host running the database we are connecting to
=item C<$dbname> - name of the database to connect to
=item C<$port> - port the database is listening on
=item C<$sock> - socket the database is listening on
=item B<Returns>
A new instance of the DB class
=item B<Note>
The constructor should create a DSN from the parameters provided and
then call C<db_new()> method of its super class to create a new
class instance. See L<db_new> description in this module. As per
DBI documentation, all class variables must be prefixed with
"private_". See L<DBI>.
=head2 SQL Generation
=item C<sql_regexp>
=item C<sql_regexp>
Description: Outputs SQL regular expression operator for POSIX regex
searches (case insensitive) in format suitable for a given
=item B<Description>
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Params: $expr = SQL expression for the text to be searched (scalar)
Outputs SQL regular expression operator for POSIX regex
$pattern = the regular expression to search for (scalar)
searches (case insensitive) in format suitable for a given
Returns: formatted SQL for regular expression search (e.g. REGEXP)
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$expr> - SQL expression for the text to be searched (scalar)
=item C<$pattern> - the regular expression to search for (scalar)
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for regular expression search (e.g. REGEXP) (scalar)
=item C<sql_not_regexp>
=item C<sql_not_regexp>
Description: Outputs SQL regular expression operator for negative POSIX
regex searches (case insensitive) in format suitable for a given
=item B<Description>
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Params: $expr = SQL expression for the text to be searched (scalar)
Outputs SQL regular expression operator for negative POSIX
$pattern = the regular expression to search for (scalar)
regex searches (case insensitive) in format suitable for a given
Returns: formatted SQL for negative regular expression search
(e.g. NOT REGEXP) (scalar)
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$expr> - SQL expression for the text to be searched (scalar)
=item C<$pattern> - the regular expression to search for (scalar)
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for negative regular expression search (e.g. NOT REGEXP)
=item C<sql_limit>
=item C<sql_limit>
Description: Returns SQL syntax for limiting results to some number of rows
with optional offset if not starting from the begining.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Description>
Params: $limit = number of rows to return from query (scalar)
$offset = number of rows to skip prior counting (scalar)
Returns SQL syntax for limiting results to some number of rows
Returns: formatted SQL for limiting number of rows returned from query
with optional offset if not starting from the begining.
with optional offset (e.g. LIMIT 1, 1) (scalar)
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$limit> - number of rows to return from query (scalar)
=item C<$offset> - number of rows to skip prior counting (scalar)
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for limiting number of rows returned from query
with optional offset (e.g. LIMIT 1, 1) (scalar)
=item C<sql_from_days>
=item C<sql_from_days>
Description: Outputs SQL syntax for converting Julian days to date.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Params: $days = days to convert to date
=item B<Description>
Returns: formatted SQL for returning Julian days in dates. (scalar)
Outputs SQL syntax for converting Julian days to date.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$days> - days to convert to date
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for returning Julian days in dates. (scalar)
=item C<sql_to_days>
=item C<sql_to_days>
Description: Outputs SQL syntax for converting date to Julian days.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Params: $date = date to convert to days
=item B<Description>
Returns: formatted SQL for returning date fields in Julian days. (scalar)
Outputs SQL syntax for converting date to Julian days.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$date> - date to convert to days
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for returning date fields in Julian days. (scalar)
=item C<sql_date_format>
=item C<sql_date_format>
Description: Outputs SQL syntax for formatting dates.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Params: $date = date or name of date type column (scalar)
=item B<Description>
$format = format string for date output (scalar)
(%Y = year, four digits, %y = year, two digits, %m = month,
Outputs SQL syntax for formatting dates.
%d = day, %a = weekday name, 3 letters, %H = hour 00-23,
%i = minute, %s = second)
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Returns: formatted SQL for date formatting (scalar)
=item B<Params>
=item C<$date> - date or name of date type column (scalar)
=item C<$format> - format string for date output (scalar)
(C<%Y> = year, four digits, C<%y> = year, two digits, C<%m> = month,
C<%d> = day, C<%a> = weekday name, 3 letters, C<%H> = hour 00-23,
C<%i> = minute, C<%s> = second)
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for date formatting (scalar)
=item C<sql_interval>
=item C<sql_interval>
Description: Outputs proper SQL syntax for a time interval function.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Params: $interval - the time interval requested (e.g. '30') (integer)
=item B<Description>
$units - the units the interval is in (e.g. 'MINUTE') (string)
Returns: formatted SQL for interval function (scalar)
Outputs proper SQL syntax for a time interval function.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$interval> - the time interval requested (e.g. '30') (integer)
=item C<$units> - the units the interval is in (e.g. 'MINUTE') (string)
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for interval function (scalar)
=item C<sql_position>
=item C<sql_position>
Description: Outputs proper SQL syntax determinig position of a substring
(fragment) withing a string (text). Note: if the substring or
text are string constants, they must be properly quoted
=item B<Description>
(e.g. "'pattern'").
Params: $fragment = the string fragment we are searching for (scalar)
Outputs proper SQL syntax determinig position of a substring
$text = the text to search (scalar)
(fragment) withing a string (text). Note: if the substring or
Returns: formatted SQL for substring search (scalar)
text are string constants, they must be properly quoted (e.g. "'pattern'").
=item B<Params>
=item C<$fragment> - the string fragment we are searching for (scalar)
=item C<$text> - the text to search (scalar)
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for substring search (scalar)
=item C<sql_group_by>
=item C<sql_group_by>
Description: Outputs proper SQL syntax for grouping the result of a query.
For ANSI SQL databases, we need to group by all columns we are
querying for (except for columns used in aggregate functions).
=item B<Description>
Some databases require (or even allow) to specify only one
or few columns if the result is uniquely defined. For those
Outputs proper SQL syntax for grouping the result of a query.
databases, the default implementation needs to be overloaded.
Params: $needed_columns = string with comma separated list of columns
For ANSI SQL databases, we need to group by all columns we are
we need to group by to get expected result (scalar)
querying for (except for columns used in aggregate functions).
$optional_columns = string with comma separated list of all
Some databases require (or even allow) to specify only one
other columns we are querying for, but which are not in the
or few columns if the result is uniquely defined. For those
required list.
databases, the default implementation needs to be overloaded.
Returns: formatted SQL for row grouping (scalar)
=item B<Params>
=item C<$needed_columns> - string with comma separated list of columns
we need to group by to get expected result (scalar)
=item C<$optional_columns> - string with comma separated list of all
other columns we are querying for, but which are not in the required list.
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for row grouping (scalar)
=item C<sql_string_concat>
=item C<sql_string_concat>
Description: Returns SQL syntax for concatenating multiple strings (constants
or values from table columns) together.
Params: @params = array of column names or strings to concatenate
=item B<Description>
Returns: formatted SQL for concatenating specified strings
Returns SQL syntax for concatenating multiple strings (constants
or values from table columns) together.
=item B<Params>
=item C<@params> - array of column names or strings to concatenate
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for concatenating specified strings
=item C<sql_fulltext_search>
=item C<sql_fulltext_search>
Description: Returns SQL syntax for performing a full text search for
specified text on a given column.
There is a ANSI SQL version of this method implemented using
=item B<Description>
LIKE operator, but it's not a real full text search. DB specific
modules should override this, as this generic implementation will
Returns SQL syntax for performing a full text search for specified text
be always much slower. This generic implementation returns
on a given column.
'relevance' as 0 for no match, or 1 for a match.
Params: $column = name of column to search (scalar)
There is a ANSI SQL version of this method implemented using LIKE operator,
$text = text to search for (scalar)
but it's not a real full text search. DB specific modules should override
Returns: formatted SQL for full text search
this, as this generic implementation will be always much slower. This
generic implementation returns 'relevance' as 0 for no match, or 1 for a
=item B<Params>
=item C<$column> - name of column to search (scalar)
=item C<$text> - text to search for (scalar)
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL for full text search
=item C<sql_istrcmp>
=item C<sql_istrcmp>
Description: Returns SQL for a case-insensitive string comparison.
Params: $left - What should be on the left-hand-side of the
=item B<Description>
$right - What should be on the right-hand-side of the
Returns SQL for a case-insensitive string comparison.
$op (optional) - What the operation is. Should be a
valid ANSI SQL comparison operator, like "=", "<",
=item B<Params>
"LIKE", etc. Defaults to "=" if not specified.
Returns: A SQL statement that will run the comparison in
a case-insensitive fashion.
Note: Uses sql_istring, so it has the same performance concerns.
=item C<$left> - What should be on the left-hand-side of the operation.
Try to avoid using this function unless absolutely necessary.
Subclass Implementors: Override sql_istring instead of this
=item C<$right> - What should be on the right-hand-side of the operation.
function, most of the time (this function uses sql_istring).
=item C<$op> (optional) - What the operation is. Should be a valid ANSI
SQL comparison operator, such as C<=>, C<E<lt>>, C<LIKE>, etc. Defaults
to C<=> if not specified.
=item B<Returns>
A SQL statement that will run the comparison in a case-insensitive fashion.
=item B<Note>
Uses L</sql_istring>, so it has the same performance concerns.
Try to avoid using this function unless absolutely necessary.
Subclass Implementors: Override sql_istring instead of this
function, most of the time (this function uses sql_istring).
=item C<sql_istring>
=item C<sql_istring>
Description: Returns SQL syntax "preparing" a string or text column for
case-insensitive comparison.
Params: $string - string to convert (scalar)
=item B<Description>
Returns: formatted SQL making the string case insensitive
Note: The default implementation simply calls LOWER on the parameter.
Returns SQL syntax "preparing" a string or text column for case-insensitive
If this is used to search on a text column with index, the index
will not be usually used unless it was created as LOWER(column).
=item B<Params>
=item C<$string> - string to convert (scalar)
=item B<Returns>
Formatted SQL making the string case insensitive.
=item B<Note>
The default implementation simply calls LOWER on the parameter.
If this is used to search on a text column with index, the index
will not be usually used unless it was created as LOWER(column).
=item C<bz_lock_tables>
=item C<bz_lock_tables>
Description: Performs a table lock operation on specified tables.
If the underlying database supports transactions, it should also
implicitly start a new transaction.
=item B<Description>
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
Params: @tables = list of names of tables to lock in MySQL
Performs a table lock operation on specified tables. If the underlying
notation (ex. 'bugs AS bugs2 READ', 'logincookies WRITE')
database supports transactions, it should also implicitly start a new
Returns: none
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Params>
=item C<@tables> - list of names of tables to lock in MySQL
notation (ex. 'bugs AS bugs2 READ', 'logincookies WRITE')
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=item C<bz_unlock_tables>
=item C<bz_unlock_tables>
Description: Performs a table unlock operation
If the underlying database supports transactions, it should also
implicitly commit or rollback the transaction.
=item B<Description>
Also, this function should allow to be called with the abort flag
set even without locking tables first without raising an error
Performs a table unlock operation.
to simplify error handling.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
If the underlying database supports transactions, it should also implicitly
Params: $abort = UNLOCK_ABORT (true, 1) if the operation on locked tables
commit or rollback the transaction.
failed (if transactions are supported, the action will be rolled
back). False (0) or no param if the operation succeeded.
Also, this function should allow to be called with the abort flag
Returns: none
set even without locking tables first without raising an error
to simplify error handling.
Abstract method, should be overridden by database specific code.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$abort> - C<UNLOCK_ABORT> if the operation on locked tables
failed (if transactions are supported, the action will be rolled
back). No param if the operation succeeded. This is only used by
=item B<Returns> (none)
@@ -1367,41 +1719,80 @@ database-compatibility reasons.
@@ -1367,41 +1719,80 @@ database-compatibility reasons.
These methods return information about data in the database.
These methods return information about data in the database.
=item C<bz_last_key>
=item C<bz_last_key>
Description: Returns the last serial number, usually from a previous INSERT.
Must be executed directly following the relevant INSERT.
This base implementation uses DBI->last_insert_id. If the
=item B<Description>
DBD supports it, it is the preffered way to obtain the last
serial index. If it is not supported, the DB specific code
Returns the last serial number, usually from a previous INSERT.
needs to override it with DB specific code.
Params: $table = name of table containing serial column (scalar)
Must be executed directly following the relevant INSERT.
$column = name of column containing serial data type (scalar)
This base implementation uses L<DBI/last_insert_id>. If the
Returns: Last inserted ID (scalar)
DBD supports it, it is the preffered way to obtain the last
serial index. If it is not supported, the DB-specific code
needs to override this function.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$table> - name of table containing serial column (scalar)
=item C<$column> - name of column containing serial data type (scalar)
=item B<Returns>
Last inserted ID (scalar)
=item C<bz_get_field_defs>
=item B<Description>
Returns a list of all the "bug" fields in Bugzilla. The list
contains hashes, with a C<name> key and a C<description> key.
=item B<Params> (none)
=item B<Returns>
List of all the "bug" fields
=head2 Database Setup Methods
=head2 Database Setup Methods
These methods are used by the Bugzilla installation programs to set up
These methods are used by the Bugzilla installation programs to set up
the database.
the database.
=over 4
=item C<bz_populate_enum_tables>
=item B<Description>
=item C<bz_populate_enum_tables()>
For an upgrade or an initial installation, populates the tables that hold
the legal values for the old "enum" fields: C<bug_severity>,
C<resolution>, etc. Prints out information if it inserts anything into the
Description: For an upgrade or an initial installation, populates
=item B<Params> (none)
the tables that hold the legal values for the old
"enum" fields: C<bug_severity>, C<resolution>, etc.
Prints out information if it inserts anything into the
Params: none
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
Returns: nothing
@@ -1414,103 +1805,220 @@ Where a parameter says "Abstract index/column definition", it returns/takes
@@ -1414,103 +1805,220 @@ Where a parameter says "Abstract index/column definition", it returns/takes
information in the formats defined for indexes and columns in
information in the formats defined for indexes and columns in
=item C<bz_add_column($table, $name, \%definition, $init_value)>
=item C<bz_add_column>
Description: Adds a new column to a table in the database. Prints out
a brief statement that it did so, to stdout.
Note that you cannot add a NOT NULL column that has no
default -- the database won't know what to set all
the NOT NULL values to.
Params: $table = the table where the column is being added
$name = the name of the new column
\%definition = Abstract column definition for the new column
$init_value = (optional) An initial value to set the column
to. Required if your column is NOT NULL and has
no DEFAULT set.
Returns: nothing
item C<bz_add_index($table, $name, $definition)>
Description: Adds a new index to a table in the database. Prints
=item B<Description>
out a brief statement that it did so, to stdout.
If the index already exists, we will do nothing.
Params: $table - The table the new index is on.
$name - A name for the new index.
$definition - An abstract index definition.
Either a hashref or an arrayref.
Returns: nothing
=item C<bz_add_table($name)>
Adds a new column to a table in the database. Prints out a brief statement
that it did so, to stdout. Note that you cannot add a NOT NULL column that
has no default -- the database won't know what to set all the NULL
values to.
Description: Creates a new table in the database, based on the
=item B<Params>
definition for that table in the abstract schema.
Note that unlike the other 'add' functions, this does
not take a definition, but always creates the table
as it exists in the ABSTRACT_SCHEMA.
If a table with that name already exists, then this
function returns silently.
Params: $name - The name of the table you want to create.
Returns: nothing
item C<bz_drop_index($table, $name)>
Description: Removes an index from the database. Prints out a brief
=item C<$table> - the table where the column is being added
statement that it did so, to stdout. If the index
doesn't exist, we do nothing.
Params: $table - The table that the index is on.
$name - The name of the index that you want to drop.
Returns: nothing
=item C<
=item C<
$name> - the name of the new column
Description: Drops a table from the database. If the table
=item C<\%definition> - Abstract column definition for the new column
doesn't exist, we just return silently.
Params: $name - The name of the table to drop.
Returns: nothing
=item C<bz_alter_column($table, $name, \%new_def, $set_nulls_to)>
=item C<$init_value> (optional) - An initial value to set the column
to. Required if your column is NOT NULL and has no DEFAULT set.
Description: Changes the data type of a column in a table. Prints out
the changes being made to stdout. If the new type is the
same as the old type, the function returns without changing
Params: $table = the table where the column is
$name = the name of the column you want to change
$new_def = An abstract column definition for the new
data type of the columm
$set_nulls_to = (Optional) If you are changing the column
to be NOT NULL, you probably also want to
set any existing NULL columns to a particular
value. Specify that value here.
NOTE: The value should not already be SQL-quoted.
Returns: nothing
=item C<bz_drop_column($table, $column)>
Description: Removes a column from a database table. If the column
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
doesn't exist, we return without doing anything. If we do
anything, we print a short message to stdout about the change.
Params: $table = The table where the column is
$column = The name of the column you want to drop
=item C<bz_add_index>
Returns: none
=item C<bz_rename_column($table, $old_name, $new_name)>
=item B<Description>
Description: Renames a column in a database table. If the C<$old_name>
column doesn't exist, we return without doing anything.
Adds a new index to a table in the database. Prints out a brief statement
If C<$old_name> and C<$new_name> both already exist in the
that it did so, to stdout. If the index already exists, we will do nothing.
table specified, we fail.
Params: $table = The table containing the column
=item B<Params>
that you want to rename
$old_name = The current name of the column that
you want to rename
$new_name = The new name of the column
=item C<$table> - The table the new index is on.
Returns: nothing
=item C<$name> - A name for the new index.
=item C<$definition> - An abstract index definition. Either a hashref
or an arrayref.
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=item C<bz_add_table>
=item B<Description>
Creates a new table in the database, based on the definition for that
table in the abstract schema.
Note that unlike the other 'add' functions, this does not take a
definition, but always creates the table as it exists in
If a table with that name already exists, then this function returns
=item B<Params>
=item C<$name> - The name of the table you want to create.
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=item C<bz_drop_index>
=item B<Description>
Removes an index from the database. Prints out a brief statement that it
did so, to stdout. If the index doesn't exist, we do nothing.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$table> - The table that the index is on.
=item C<$name> - The name of the index that you want to drop.
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=item C<bz_drop_table>
=item B<Description>
Drops a table from the database. If the table doesn't exist, we just
return silently.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$name> - The name of the table to drop.
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=item C<bz_alter_column>
=item B<Description>
Changes the data type of a column in a table. Prints out the changes
being made to stdout. If the new type is the same as the old type,
the function returns without changing anything.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$table> - the table where the column is
=item C<$name> - the name of the column you want to change
=item C<\%new_def> - An abstract column definition for the new
data type of the columm
=item C<$set_nulls_to> (Optional) - If you are changing the column
to be NOT NULL, you probably also want to set any existing NULL columns
to a particular value. Specify that value here. B<NOTE>: The value should
not already be SQL-quoted.
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=item C<bz_drop_column>
=item B<Description>
Removes a column from a database table. If the column doesn't exist, we
return without doing anything. If we do anything, we print a short
message to C<stdout> about the change.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$table> - The table where the column is
=item C<$column> - The name of the column you want to drop
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=item C<bz_rename_column>
=item B<Description>
Renames a column in a database table. If the C<$old_name> column
doesn't exist, we return without doing anything. If C<$old_name>
and C<$new_name> both already exist in the table specified, we fail.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$table> - The name of the table containing the column
that you want to rename
=item C<$old_name> - The current name of the column that you want to rename
=item C<$new_name> - The new name of the column
=item B<Returns> (nothing)
=head2 Schema Information Methods
=head2 Schema Information Methods
@@ -1518,46 +2026,63 @@ These methods return information about the current Bugzilla database
@@ -1518,46 +2026,63 @@ These methods return information about the current Bugzilla database
schema, as it currently exists on the disk.
schema, as it currently exists on the disk.
Where a parameter says "Abstract index/column definition", it returns/takes
Where a parameter says "Abstract index/column definition", it returns/takes
information in the formats defined for indexes and columns
information in the formats defined for indexes and columns
=over 4
=item C<bz_column_info>
C<bz_column_info($table, $column)
Description: Get abstract column definition.
Get abstract column definition.
Params: $table - The name of the table the column is in.
$column - The name of the column.
Returns: An abstract column definition for that column.
If the table or column does not exist, we return undef.
C<bz_index_info($table, $index)
Description: Get abstract index definition.
Params: $table - The table the index is on.
$index - The name of the index.
=item C<$table> - The name of the table the column is in.
Returns: An abstract index definition for that index,
always in hashref format. The hashref will
=item C<$column> - The name of the column.
always contain the TYPE element, but it will
be an empty string if it's just a normal index.
If the index does not exist, we return undef.
=item B<Returns>
=head2 Deprecated Schema Information Methods
An abstract column definition for that column. If the table or column
does not exist, we return C<undef>.
These methods return info about the current Bugzilla database, for
MySQL only.
over 4
item C<bz_index_info>
item C<bz_get_field_defs>
Description: Returns a list of all the "bug" fields in Bugzilla. The list
=item B<Description>
contains hashes, with a 'name' key and a 'description' key.
Params: none
Get abstract index definition.
Returns: List of all the "bug" fields
=item B<Params>
=item C<$table> - The table the index is on.
=item C<$index> - The name of the index.
=item B<Returns>
An abstract index definition for that index, always in hashref format.
The hashref will always contain the C<TYPE> element, but it will
be an empty string if it's just a normal index.
If the index does not exist, we return C<undef>.
@@ -1567,27 +2092,22 @@ MySQL only.
@@ -1567,27 +2092,22 @@ MySQL only.
These methods deal with the starting and stopping of transactions
These methods deal with the starting and stopping of transactions
in the database.
in the database.
=item C<bz_start_transaction>
=item C<bz_start_transaction>
Description: Starts a transaction if supported by the database being used
Starts a transaction if supported by the database being used. Returns nothing
Params: none
and takes no parameters.
Returns: none
=item C<bz_commit_transaction>
=item C<bz_commit_transaction>
Description: Ends a transaction, commiting all changes, if supported by
Ends a transaction, commiting all changes, if supported by the database
the database being used
being used. Returns nothing and takes no parameters.
Params: none
Returns: none
=item C<bz_rollback_transaction>
=item C<bz_rollback_transaction>
Description: Ends a transaction, rolling back all changes, if supported by
Ends a transaction, rolling back all changes, if supported by the database
the database being used
being used. Returns nothing and takes no parameters.
Params: none
Returns: none
@@ -1597,18 +2117,40 @@ in the database.
@@ -1597,18 +2117,40 @@ in the database.
Methods in this class are intended to be used by subclasses to help them
Methods in this class are intended to be used by subclasses to help them
with their functions.
with their functions.
=item C<db_new>
=item C<db_new>
Description: Constructor
Params: $dsn = database connection string
$user = username used to log in to the database
=item B<Description>
$pass = password used to log in to the database
$attributes = set of attributes for DB connection (optional)
Returns: new instance of the DB class
Note: the name of this constructor is not new, as that would make
=item B<Params>
our check for implementation of new() by derived class useles.
=item C<$dsn> - database connection string
=item C<$user> - username used to log in to the database
=item C<$pass> - password used to log in to the database
=item C<\%attributes> - set of attributes for DB connection (optional)
=item B<Returns>
A new instance of the DB class
=item B<Note>
The name of this constructor is not C<new>, as that would make
our check for implementation of C<new> by derived class useless.
@@ -1617,6 +2159,4 @@ with their functions.
@@ -1617,6 +2159,4 @@ with their functions.
L<Bugzilla::Constants> - The C<DB_MODULE> constant.
is supported
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