Commit f825a4de authored by Teemu Mannermaa's avatar Teemu Mannermaa

Bug 297382: Move sort order validation from buglist.cgi to Bugzilla::Search

parent 67aa58df
......@@ -738,6 +738,21 @@ sub boolean_charts_to_custom_search {
sub invalid_order_columns {
my ($self) = @_;
my @invalid_columns;
foreach my $order ($self->_input_order) {
next if defined $self->_validate_order_column($order);
push(@invalid_columns, $order);
return \@invalid_columns;
sub order {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_valid_order;
# Internal Accessors #
......@@ -803,7 +818,7 @@ sub _extra_columns {
my ($self) = @_;
# Everything that's going to be in the ORDER BY must also be
# in the SELECT.
$self->{extra_columns} ||= [ $self->_input_order_columns ];
$self->{extra_columns} ||= [ $self->_valid_order_columns ];
return @{ $self->{extra_columns} };
......@@ -854,10 +869,32 @@ sub _sql_select {
# The "order" that was requested by the consumer, exactly as it was
# requested.
sub _input_order { @{ $_[0]->{'order'} || [] } }
# The input order with just the column names, and no ASC or DESC.
sub _input_order_columns {
# Requested order with invalid values removed and old names translated
sub _valid_order {
my ($self) = @_;
return map { ($self->_validate_order_column($_)) } $self->_input_order;
# The valid order with just the column names, and no ASC or DESC.
sub _valid_order_columns {
my ($self) = @_;
return map { (split_order_term($_))[0] } $self->_input_order;
return map { (split_order_term($_))[0] } $self->_valid_order;
sub _validate_order_column {
my ($self, $order_item) = @_;
# Translate old column names
my ($field, $direction) = split_order_term($order_item);
$field = translate_old_column($field);
# Only accept valid columns
return if (!exists COLUMNS->{$field});
# Relevance column can be used only with one or more fulltext searches
return if ($field eq 'relevance' && !COLUMNS->{$field}->{name});
$direction = " $direction" if $direction;
return "$field$direction";
# A hashref that describes all the special stuff that has to be done
......@@ -889,7 +926,7 @@ sub _sql_order_by {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$self->{sql_order_by}) {
my @order_by = map { $self->_translate_order_by_column($_) }
$self->{sql_order_by} = \@order_by;
return @{ $self->{sql_order_by} };
......@@ -1033,7 +1070,7 @@ sub _select_order_joins {
my @column_join = $self->_column_join($field);
push(@joins, @column_join);
foreach my $field ($self->_input_order_columns) {
foreach my $field ($self->_valid_order_columns) {
my $join_info = $self->_special_order->{$field}->{join};
if ($join_info) {
# Don't let callers modify SPECIAL_ORDER.
......@@ -1196,7 +1233,7 @@ sub _sql_group_by {
# And all items from ORDER BY must be in the GROUP BY. The above loop
# doesn't catch items that were put into the ORDER BY from SPECIAL_ORDER.
foreach my $column ($self->_input_order_columns) {
foreach my $column ($self->_valid_order_columns) {
my $special_order = $self->_special_order->{$column}->{order};
next if !$special_order;
push(@extra_group_by, @$special_order);
......@@ -698,69 +698,39 @@ if (!$order || $order =~ /^reuse/i) {
my @order_columns;
if ($order) {
# Convert the value of the "order" form field into a list of columns
# by which to sort the results.
ORDER: for ($order) {
/^Bug Number$/ && do {
$order = "bug_id";
@order_columns = ("bug_id");
last ORDER;
/^Importance$/ && do {
$order = "priority,bug_severity";
@order_columns = ("priority", "bug_severity");
last ORDER;
/^Assignee$/ && do {
$order = "assigned_to,bug_status,priority,bug_id";
@order_columns = ("assigned_to", "bug_status", "priority",
last ORDER;
/^Last Changed$/ && do {
$order = "changeddate,bug_status,priority,assigned_to,bug_id";
@order_columns = ("changeddate", "bug_status", "priority",
"assigned_to", "bug_id");
last ORDER;
do {
my (@order, @invalid_fragments);
# A custom list of columns. Make sure each column is valid.
foreach my $fragment (split(/,/, $order)) {
$fragment = trim($fragment);
next unless $fragment;
my ($column_name, $direction) = split_order_term($fragment);
$column_name = translate_old_column($column_name);
# Special handlings for certain columns
next if $column_name eq 'relevance' && !$fulltext;
if (exists $columns->{$column_name}) {
$direction = " $direction" if $direction;
push(@order, "$column_name$direction");
else {
push(@invalid_fragments, $fragment);
if (scalar @invalid_fragments) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'invalid_column_name';
$vars->{'invalid_fragments'} = \@invalid_fragments;
$order = join(",", @order);
# Now that we have checked that all columns in the order are valid,
# detaint the order string.
trick_taint($order) if $order;
# A custom list of columns. Bugzilla::Search will validate items.
@order_columns = split(/\s*,\s*/, $order);
if (!$order) {
if (!scalar @order_columns) {
$order = "bug_status,priority,assigned_to,bug_id";
my @orderstrings = split(/,\s*/, $order);
if ($fulltext and grep { /^relevance/ } @orderstrings) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'buglist_sorted_by_relevance'
@order_columns = ("bug_status", "priority", "assigned_to", "bug_id");
# In the HTML interface, by default, we limit the returned results,
......@@ -774,9 +744,19 @@ if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'html' && !defined $params->param('limit')) {
# Generate the basic SQL query that will be used to generate the bug list.
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@selectcolumns,
'params' => scalar $params->Vars,
'order' => \@orderstrings);
'order' => \@order_columns);
my $query = $search->sql;
$vars->{'search_description'} = $search->search_description;
$order = join(',', $search->order);
if (scalar @{$search->invalid_order_columns}) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'invalid_column_name';
$vars->{'invalid_fragments'} = $search->invalid_order_columns;
if ($fulltext and grep { /^relevance/ } $search->order) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'buglist_sorted_by_relevance'
# We don't want saved searches and other buglist things to save
# our default limit.
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