Commit f9289c13 authored by's avatar

Bug 287947: Change CheckFormField/CheckFormFieldDefined subs in to use…

Bug 287947: Change CheckFormField/CheckFormFieldDefined subs in to use CGI object instead FORM hash - Patch by Teemu Mannermaa <> r=LpSolit a=myk
parent 0ca4c4c4
......@@ -93,17 +93,17 @@ sub url_decode {
# legal value. assume a browser bug and abort appropriately if not.
# if $legalsRef is not passed, just check to make sure the value exists and
# is non-NULL
sub CheckFormField (\%$;\@) {
my ($formRef, # a reference to the form to check (a hash)
sub CheckFormField ($$;\@) {
my ($cgi, # a CGI object
$fieldname, # the fieldname to check
$legalsRef # (optional) ref to a list of legal values
) = @_;
if ( !defined $formRef->{$fieldname} ||
trim($formRef->{$fieldname}) eq "" ||
(defined($legalsRef) &&
lsearch($legalsRef, $formRef->{$fieldname})<0) ){
if (!defined $cgi->param($fieldname)
|| trim($cgi->param($fieldname)) eq ""
|| (defined($legalsRef)
&& lsearch($legalsRef, $cgi->param($fieldname))<0))
SendSQL("SELECT description FROM fielddefs WHERE name=" . SqlQuote($fieldname));
my $result = FetchOneColumn();
my $field;
......@@ -115,16 +115,16 @@ sub CheckFormField (\%$;\@) {
ThrowCodeError("illegal_field", { field => $field });
# check and see if a given field is defined, and abort if not
sub CheckFormFieldDefined (\%$) {
my ($formRef, # a reference to the form to check (a hash)
sub CheckFormFieldDefined ($$) {
my ($cgi, # a CGI object
$fieldname, # the fieldname to check
) = @_;
if (!defined $formRef->{$fieldname}) {
if (!defined $cgi->param($fieldname)) {
ThrowCodeError("undefined_field", { field => $fieldname });
......@@ -183,19 +183,26 @@ if (!Param('letsubmitterchoosepriority')) {
# XXX Temporar FORM compatibility code, reflect changes back to CGI object
$cgi->param('bug_file_loc', $::FORM{'bug_file_loc'});
$cgi->param('assigned_to', $::FORM{'assigned_to'});
$cgi->param('bug_status', $::FORM{'bug_status'});
$cgi->param('target_milestone', $::FORM{'target_milestone'});
$cgi->param('priority', $::FORM{'priority'});
# Some more sanity checking
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'product', \@::legal_product);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'rep_platform', \@::legal_platform);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'bug_severity', \@::legal_severity);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'priority', \@::legal_priority);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'op_sys', \@::legal_opsys);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'bug_status', ['UNCONFIRMED', 'NEW']);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'version', $::versions{$product});
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'component', $::components{$product});
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'target_milestone', $::target_milestone{$product});
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'assigned_to');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'bug_file_loc');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'comment');
CheckFormField($cgi, 'product', \@::legal_product);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'rep_platform', \@::legal_platform);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'bug_severity', \@::legal_severity);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'priority', \@::legal_priority);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'op_sys', \@::legal_opsys);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'bug_status', ['UNCONFIRMED', 'NEW']);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'version', $::versions{$product});
CheckFormField($cgi, 'component', $::components{$product});
CheckFormField($cgi, 'target_milestone', $::target_milestone{$product});
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'assigned_to');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'bug_file_loc');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'comment');
my @used_fields;
foreach my $field (@bug_fields) {
......@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ if ($cgi->cookie("BUGLIST") && $::FORM{'id'}) {
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'product');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'version');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'component');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'product');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'version');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'component');
# This function checks if there is a comment required for a specific
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ if ((($::FORM{'id'} && $::FORM{'product'} ne $::oldproduct)
ThrowUserError("illegal_change", $vars);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'product', \@::legal_product);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'product', \@::legal_product);
my $prod = $::FORM{'product'};
# note that when this script is called from buglist.cgi (rather
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ if ((($::FORM{'id'} && $::FORM{'product'} ne $::oldproduct)
my $mok = 1; # so it won't affect the 'if' statement if milestones aren't used
if ( Param("usetargetmilestone") ) {
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'target_milestone');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'target_milestone');
$mok = lsearch($::target_milestone{$prod}, $::FORM{'target_milestone'}) >= 0;
......@@ -532,22 +532,22 @@ if (defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
# (XXX those error checks need to happen too, but implementing them
# is more work in the current architecture of this script...)
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'product', \@::legal_product);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'component',
CheckFormField($cgi, 'product', \@::legal_product);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'component',
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'version',
CheckFormField($cgi, 'version',
if ( Param("usetargetmilestone") ) {
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'target_milestone',
CheckFormField($cgi, 'target_milestone',
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'rep_platform', \@::legal_platform);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'op_sys', \@::legal_opsys);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'priority', \@::legal_priority);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'bug_severity', \@::legal_severity);
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'bug_file_loc');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'short_desc');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'longdesclength');
CheckFormField($cgi, 'rep_platform', \@::legal_platform);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'op_sys', \@::legal_opsys);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'priority', \@::legal_priority);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'bug_severity', \@::legal_severity);
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'bug_file_loc');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'short_desc');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'longdesclength');
if (trim($::FORM{'short_desc'}) eq "") {
......@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ if (defined $::FORM{'qa_contact'}
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'knob');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'knob');
SWITCH: for ($::FORM{'knob'}) {
/^none$/ && do {
last SWITCH;
......@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ SWITCH: for ($::FORM{'knob'}) {
/^resolve$/ && CheckonComment( "resolve" ) && do {
# Check here, because its the only place we require the resolution
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'resolution', \@::settable_resolution);
CheckFormField($cgi, 'resolution', \@::settable_resolution);
# don't resolve as fixed while still unresolved blocking bugs
if (Param("noresolveonopenblockers")
......@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ SWITCH: for ($::FORM{'knob'}) {
/^duplicate$/ && CheckonComment( "duplicate" ) && do {
# Make sure we can change the original bug (issue A on bug 96085)
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'dup_id');
CheckFormFieldDefined($cgi, 'dup_id');
ValidateBugID($::FORM{'dup_id'}, 'dup_id');
# Also, let's see if the reporter has authorization to see
......@@ -1855,7 +1855,7 @@ foreach my $id (@idlist) {
"*** Bug $::FORM{'id'} has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***",
0, $timestamp);
SendSQL("INSERT INTO duplicates VALUES ($duplicate, $::FORM{'id'})");
$vars->{'mailrecipients'} = { 'changer' => Bugzilla->user->login };
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