Commit f9605ef4 authored by's avatar

Bug 183388 - processmail wasn't picking up on users being added to the owner or…

Bug 183388 - processmail wasn't picking up on users being added to the owner or qa contact role and was dropping emails if the user had selected to only get mail on those events. Patch by Mark Drew <> r=jake a=justdave
parent 4723fa1b
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ sub ProcessOneBug {
push(@reasons, 'AssignedTo') if lsearch(\@assigned_toList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'Reporter') if lsearch(\@reporterList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'QAContact') if lsearch(\@qa_contactList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'QAcontact') if lsearch(\@qa_contactList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'CC') if lsearch(\@ccList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'Voter') if lsearch(\@voterList, $person) != -1;
......@@ -478,10 +478,10 @@ sub getEmailAttributes (\%\@$) {
# to the Owner, QA, CC, etc. fields. It does not effect
# the @flags array at all, but is run here because it does
# effect filtering later and we're already in the loop.
if ($fieldName eq 'Owner') {
if ($fieldName eq 'AssignedTo') {
push (@{$force{'Owner'}}, $new);
} elsif ($fieldName eq 'QAContact') {
push (@{$force{'QAContact'}}, $new);
push (@{$force{'QAcontact'}}, $new);
} elsif ($fieldName eq 'CC') {
my @added = split (/[ ,]/, $new);
push (@{$force{'CClist'}}, @added);
......@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
$reasonsbody .= "You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.\n";
} elsif ($reason eq 'Reporter') {
$reasonsbody .= "You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.\n";
} elsif ($reason eq 'QAContact') {
} elsif ($reason eq 'QAcontact') {
$reasonsbody .= "You are the QA contact for the bug, or are watching the QA contact.\n";
} elsif ($reason eq 'CC') {
$reasonsbody .= "You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.\n";
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