Commit fd1625fa authored by David Lawrence's avatar David Lawrence

Bug 1038275: Comprehensible documentation for the REST API

parent 45877e03
......@@ -396,6 +396,14 @@ sub OPTIONAL_MODULES {
version => '0',
feature => ['memcached'],
# Documentation
package => 'File-Copy-Recursive',
module => 'File::Copy::Recursive',
version => 0,
feature => ['documentation'],
my $extra_modules = _get_extension_requirements('OPTIONAL_MODULES');
WebService API
This Bugzilla installation has the following WebService APIs available
(as of the last time you compiled the documentation):
.. toctree::
Bug User Last Visited
.. _rest-bug-user-last-visit-update:
Update Last Visited
Update the last-visited time for the specified bug and current user.
To update the time for a single bug id:
.. code-block:: text
POST /rest/bug_user_last_visit/(id)
To update one or more bug ids at once:
.. code-block:: text
POST /rest/bug_user_last_visit
.. code-block:: js
"ids" : [35,36,37]
======= ===== ==============================
name type description
======= ===== ==============================
**id** int An integer bug id.
**ids** array One or more bug ids to update.
======= ===== ==============================
.. code-block:: js
"id" : 100,
"last_visit_ts" : "2014-10-16T17:38:24Z"
An array of objects containing the items:
============= ======== ============================================
name type description
============= ======== ============================================
id int The bug id.
last_visit_ts datetime The timestamp the user last visited the bug.
============= ======== ============================================
.. _rest-bug-user-last-visit-get:
Get Last Visited
Get the last-visited timestamp for one or more specified bug ids or get a
list of the last 20 visited bugs and their timestamps.
To return the last-visited timestamp for a single bug id:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/bug_user_last_visit/(id)
To return more than one specific bug timestamps:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/bug_user_last_visit/123?ids=234&ids=456
To return just the most recent 20 timestamps:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/bug_user_last_visit
======= ===== ============================================
name type description
======= ===== ============================================
**id** int An integer bug id.
**ids** array One or more optional bug ids to get.
======= ===== ============================================
.. code-block:: js
"id" : 100,
"last_visit_ts" : "2014-10-16T17:38:24Z"
An array of objects containing the following items:
============= ======== ============================================
name type description
============= ======== ============================================
id int The bug id.
last_visit_ts datetime The timestamp the user last visited the bug.
============= ======== ============================================
Bugzilla Information
These methods are used to get general configuration information about this
Bugzilla instance.
Returns the current version of Bugzilla. Normally in the format of ``X.X`` or
``X.X.X``. For example, ``4.4`` for the initial release of a new branch. Or
``4.4.6`` for a minor release on the same branch.
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/version
.. code-block:: js
"version": "4.5.5+"
======= ====== =========================================
name type description
======= ====== =========================================
version string The current version of this Bugzilla
======= ====== =========================================
Gets information about the extensions that are currently installed and enabled
in this Bugzilla.
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/extensions
.. code-block:: js
"extensions": {
"Voting": {
"version": "4.5.5+"
"BmpConvert": {
"version": "1.0"
========== ====== ====================================================
name type description
========== ====== ====================================================
extensions object An object containing the extensions enabled as keys.
Each extension object contains the following keys:
* ``version`` (string) The version of the extension.
========== ====== ====================================================
Returns the timezone in which Bugzilla expects to receive dates and times on the API.
Currently hard-coded to UTC ("+0000"). This is unlikely to change.
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/timezone
.. code-block:: js
"timezone": "+0000"
======== ====== ===============================================================
name type description
======== ====== ===============================================================
timezone string The timezone offset as a string in (+/-)XXXX (RFC 2822) format.
======== ====== ===============================================================
Gets information about what time the Bugzilla server thinks it is, and
what timezone it's running in.
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/time
.. code-block:: js
"web_time_utc": "2014-09-26T18:01:30Z",
"db_time": "2014-09-26T18:01:30Z",
"web_time": "2014-09-26T18:01:30Z",
"tz_offset": "+0000",
"tz_short_name": "UTC",
"tz_name": "UTC"
============= ====== ==========================================================
name type description
============= ====== ==========================================================
db_time string The current time in UTC, according to the Bugzilla
database server.
Note that Bugzilla assumes that the database and the
webserver are running in the same time zone. However,
if the web server and the database server aren't
synchronized or some reason, *this* is the time that
you should rely on or doing searches and other input
to the WebService.
web_time string This is the current time in UTC, according to
Bugzilla's web server.
This might be different by a second from ``db_time``
since this comes from a different source. If it's any
more different than a second, then there is likely
some problem with this Bugzilla instance. In this
case you should rely on the ``db_time``, not the
web_time_utc string Identical to ``web_time``. (Exists only for
backwards-compatibility with versions of Bugzilla
before 3.6.)
tz_name string The literal string ``UTC``. (Exists only for
backwards-compatibility with versions of Bugzilla
before 3.6.)
tz_short_name string The literal string ``UTC``. (Exists only for
backwards-compatibility with versions of Bugzilla
before 3.6.)
tz_offset string The literal string ``+0000``. (Exists only for
backwards-compatibility with versions of Bugzilla
before 3.6.)
============= ====== ==========================================================
Returns parameter values currently used in this Bugzilla.
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/parameters
Example response for anonymous user:
.. code-block:: js
"parameters" : {
"maintainer" : "",
"requirelogin" : "0"
Example response for authenticated user:
.. code-block:: js
"parameters" : {
"allowemailchange" : "1",
"attachment_base" : "",
"commentonchange_resolution" : "0",
"commentonduplicate" : "0",
"cookiepath" : "/",
"createemailregexp" : ".*",
"defaultopsys" : "",
"defaultplatform" : "",
"defaultpriority" : "--",
"defaultseverity" : "normal",
"duplicate_or_move_bug_status" : "RESOLVED",
"emailregexp" : "^[\\w\\.\\+\\-=']+@[\\w\\.\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$",
"emailsuffix" : "",
"letsubmitterchoosemilestone" : "1",
"letsubmitterchoosepriority" : "1",
"mailfrom" : "",
"maintainer" : "",
"maxattachmentsize" : "1000",
"maxlocalattachment" : "0",
"musthavemilestoneonaccept" : "0",
"noresolveonopenblockers" : "0",
"password_complexity" : "no_constraints",
"rememberlogin" : "on",
"requirelogin" : "0",
"urlbase" : "",
"use_see_also" : "1",
"useclassification" : "1",
"usemenuforusers" : "0",
"useqacontact" : "1",
"usestatuswhiteboard" : "1",
"usetargetmilestone" : "1",
A logged-out user can only access the ``maintainer`` and ``requirelogin``
A logged-in user can access the following parameters (listed alphabetically):
* allowemailchange
* attachment_base
* commentonchange_resolution
* commentonduplicate
* cookiepath
* defaultopsys
* defaultplatform
* defaultpriority
* defaultseverity
* duplicate_or_move_bug_status
* emailregexpdesc
* emailsuffix
* letsubmitterchoosemilestone
* letsubmitterchoosepriority
* mailfrom
* maintainer
* maxattachmentsize
* maxlocalattachment
* musthavemilestoneonaccept
* noresolveonopenblockers
* password_complexity
* rememberlogin
* requirelogin
* search_allow_no_criteria
* urlbase
* use_see_also
* useclassification
* usemenuforusers
* useqacontact
* usestatuswhiteboard
* usetargetmilestone
A user in the tweakparams group can access all existing parameters.
New parameters can appear or obsolete parameters can disappear depending
on the version of Bugzilla and on extensions being installed.
The list of parameters returned by this method is not stable and will
never be stable.
Last Audit Time
Gets the most recent timestamp among all of the events recorded in the audit_log
To get most recent audit timestamp for all classes:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/last_audit_time
To get the the most recent audit timestamp for the ``Bugzilla::Product`` class:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/last_audit_time?class=Bugzilla::Product
===== ===== ===================================================================
name type description
===== ===== ===================================================================
class array The class names are defined as ``Bugzilla::<class_name>"`` such as
Bugzilla:Product`` for products.
===== ===== ===================================================================
.. code-block:: js
"last_audit_time": "2014-09-23T18:03:38Z"
=============== ====== ====================================================
name type description
=============== ====== ====================================================
last_audit_time string The maximum of the at_time from the audit_log.
=============== ====== ====================================================
This part of the Bugzilla API allows you to deal with the available
classifications. You will be able to get information about them as well as
manipulate them.
.. _rest_get_classification:
Get Classification
Returns an object containing information about a set of classifications.
To return information on a single classification using the ID or name:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/classification/(id_or_name)
============== ===== =====================================
name type description
============== ===== =====================================
**id_or_name** mixed An Integer classification ID or name.
============== ===== =====================================
.. code-block:: js
"classifications": [
"sort_key": 0,
"description": "Unassigned to any classifications",
"products": [
"id": 2,
"name": "FoodReplicator",
"description": "Software that controls a piece of hardware that will create any food item through a voice interface."
"description": "Spider secretions",
"name": "Ѕpїdєr Séçretíøns",
"id": 4
"id": 1,
"name": "Unclassified"
``classifications`` (array) Each object is a classification that the user is
authorized to see and has the following items:
=========== ====== ============================================================
name type description
=========== ====== ============================================================
id int The ID of the classification.
name string The name of the classification.
description string The description of the classificaion.
sort_key int The value which determines the order the classification is
products array Products the user is authorized to
access within the classification. Each hash has the
following keys:
=========== ====== ============================================================
Product object:
=========== ====== ================================
name type description
=========== ====== ================================
name string The name of the product.
id int The ID of the product.
description string The description of the product.
=========== ====== ================================
.. _rest_comments:
Get Comments
This allows you to get data about comments, given a bug ID or comment ID.
To get all comments for a particular bug using the bug ID or alias:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/bug/(id_or_alias)/comment
To get a specific comment based on the comment ID:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/bug/comment/(comment_id)
=============== ======== ======================================================
name type description
=============== ======== ======================================================
**id_or_alias** mixed A single integer bug ID or alias.
**comment_id** int A single integer comment ID.
new_since datetime If specified, the method will only return comments
*newer* than this time. This only affects comments
returned from the ``ids`` argument. You will always be
returned all comments you request in the
``comment_ids`` argument, even if they are older than
this date.
=============== ======== ======================================================
.. code-block:: js
"bugs": {
"35": {
"comments": [
"time": "2000-07-25T13:50:04Z",
"text": "test bug to fix problem in removing from cc list.",
"bug_id": 35,
"count": 0,
"attachment_id": null,
"is_private": false,
"tags": [],
"creator": "",
"creation_time": "2000-07-25T13:50:04Z",
"id": 75
"comments": {}
Two items are returned:
``bugs`` This is used for bugs specified in ``ids``. This is an object,
where the keys are the numeric IDs of the bugs, and the value is
a object with a single key, ``comments``, which is an array of comments.
(The format of comments is described below.)
Any individual bug will only be returned once, so if you specify an ID
multiple times in ``ids``, it will still only be returned once.
``comments`` Each individual comment requested in ``comment_ids`` is
returned here, in a object where the numeric comment ID is the key,
and the value is the comment. (The format of comments is described below.)
A "comment" as described above is a object that contains the following items:
============= ======== ========================================================
name type description
============= ======== ========================================================
id int The globally unique ID for the comment.
bug_id int The ID of the bug that this comment is on.
attachment_id int If the comment was made on an attachment, this will be
the ID of that attachment. Otherwise it will be null.
count int The number of the comment local to the bug. The
Description is 0, comments start with 1.
text string The actual text of the comment.
creator string The login name of the comment's author.
time datetime The time (in Bugzilla's timezone) that the comment was
creation_time datetime This is exactly same as the ``time`` key. Use this
field instead of ``time`` for consistency with other
methods including :ref:`rest_single_bug` and
For compatibility, ``time`` is still usable. However,
please note that ``time`` may be deprecated and removed
in a future release.
is_private boolean ``true`` if this comment is private (only visible to a
certain group called the "insidergroup"), ``false``
============= ======== ========================================================
.. _rest_add_comment:
Create Comments
This allows you to add a comment to a bug in Bugzilla.
To create a comment on a current bug.
.. code-block:: text
POST /rest/bug/(id)/comment
.. code-block:: js
"ids" : [123,..],
"comment" : "This is an additional comment",
"is_private" : false
``ids`` is optional in the data example above and can be used to specify adding
a comment to more than one bug at the same time.
=========== ======= ===========================================================
name type description
=========== ======= ===========================================================
**id** int The ID or alias of the bug to append a comment to.
ids array List of integer bug IDs to add the comment to.
**comment** string The comment to append to the bug. If this is empty
or all whitespace, an error will be thrown saying that you
did not set the ``comment`` parameter.
is_private boolean If set to true, the comment is private, otherwise it is
assumed to be public.
work_time double Adds this many hours to the "Hours Worked" on the bug.
If you are not in the time tracking group, this value will
be ignored.
=========== ======= ===========================================================
.. code-block:: js
"id" : 789
==== ==== =================================
name type description
==== ==== =================================
id int ID of the newly-created comment.
==== ==== =================================
.. _rest_search_comment_tags:
Search Comment Tags
Searches for tags which contain the provided substring.
To search for comment tags:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/bug/comment/tags/(query)
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/bug/comment/tags/spa
========= ====== ====================================================
name type description
========= ====== ====================================================
**query** string Only tags containg this substring will be returned.
limit int If provided will return no more than ``limit`` tags.
Defaults to ``10``.
========= ====== ====================================================
.. code-block:: js
An array of matching tags.
.. _rest_update_comment_tags:
Update Comment Tags
Adds or removes tags from a comment.
To update the tags comments attached to a comment:
.. code-block:: text
PUT /rest/bug/comment/(comment_id)/tags
.. code-block:: js
"comment_id" : 75,
"add" : ["spam", "bad"]
============== ===== ====================================
name type description
============== ===== ====================================
**comment_id** int The ID of the comment to update.
add array The tags to attach to the comment.
remove array The tags to detach from the comment.
============== ===== ====================================
.. code-block:: js
An array of strings containing the comment's updated tags.
This part of the Bugzilla API allows you to deal with the available product
components. You will be able to get information about them as well as manipulate
Create Component
This allows you to create a new component in Bugzilla. You must be authenticated
and be in the *editcomponents* group to perform this action.
To create a new component:
.. code-block:: text
POST /rest/component
.. code-block:: js
"product" : "TestProduct",
"name" : "New Component",
"description" : "This is a new component",
"default_assignee" : ""
Some params must be set, or an error will be thrown. These params are
shown in **bold**.
==================== ======= ==================================================
name type description
==================== ======= ==================================================
**name** string The name of the new component.
**product** string The name of the product that the component must
be added to. This product must already exist, and
the user have the necessary permissions to edit
components for it.
**description** string The description of the new component.
**default_assignee** string The login name of the default assignee of the
default_cc array Each string representing one login name of the
default CC list.
default_qa_contact string The login name of the default QA contact for the
is_open boolean 1 if you want to enable the component for bug
creations. 0 otherwise. Default is 1.
==================== ======= ==================================================
.. code-block:: js
"id": 27
==== ==== ========================================
name type description
==== ==== ========================================
id int The ID of the newly-added component.
==== ==== ========================================
Bug Fields
The Bugzilla API for getting details about bug fields.
.. _rest_fields:
Get information about valid bug fields, including the lists of legal values
for each field.
To get information about all fields:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/field/bug
To get information related to a single field:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/field/bug/(id_or_name)
========== ===== ==========================================================
name type description
========== ===== ==========================================================
id_or_name mixed An integer field ID or string representing the field name.
========== ===== ==========================================================
.. code-block:: js
"fields": [
"display_name": "Priority",
"name": "priority",
"type": 2,
"is_mandatory": false,
"value_field": null,
"values": [
"sortkey": 100,
"sort_key": 100,
"visibility_values": [],
"name": "P1"
"sort_key": 200,
"name": "P2",
"visibility_values": [],
"sortkey": 200
"sort_key": 300,
"visibility_values": [],
"name": "P3",
"sortkey": 300
"sort_key": 400,
"name": "P4",
"visibility_values": [],
"sortkey": 400
"name": "P5",
"visibility_values": [],
"sort_key": 500,
"sortkey": 500
"visibility_values": [],
"visibility_field": null,
"is_on_bug_entry": false,
"is_custom": false,
"id": 13
``field`` (array) Field objects each containing the following items:
================= ======= =====================================================
name type description
================= ======= =====================================================
id int An integer ID uniquely identifying this field in this
installation only.
type int The number of the fieldtype. The following values are
* ``0`` Field type unknown
* ``1`` Single-line string field
* ``2`` Single value field
* ``3`` Multiple value field
* ``4`` Multi-line text value
* ``5`` Date field with time
* ``6`` Bug ID field
* ``7`` See Also field
* ``8`` Keywords field
* ``9`` Date field
* ``10`` Integer field
is_custom boolean ``true`` when this is a custom field, ``false``
name string The internal name of this field. This is a unique
identifier for this field. If this is not a custom
field, then this name will be the same across all
Bugzilla installations.
display_name string The name of the field, as it is shown in the user
is_mandatory boolean ``true`` if the field must have a value when filing
new bugs. Also, mandatory fields cannot have their
value cleared when updating bugs.
is_on_bug_entry boolean For custom fields, this is ``true`` if the field is
shown when you enter a new bug. For standard fields,
this is currently always ``false``, even if the field
shows up when entering a bug. (To know whether or not
a standard field is valid on bug entry, see
visibility_field string The name of a field that controls the visibility of
this field in the user interface. This field only
appears in the user interface when the named field is
equal to one of the values is ``visibility_values``.
Can be null.
visibility_values array This field is only shown when ``visibility_field``
matches one of these string values. When
``visibility_field`` is null, then this is an empty
value_field string The name of the field that controls whether or not
particular values of the field are shown in the user
interface. Can be null.
values array Objects representing the legal values for
select-type (drop-down and multiple-selection)
fields. This is also populated for the
``component``, ``version``, ``target_milestone``,
and ``keywords`` fields, but not for the ``product``
field (you must use ``get_accessible_products`` for
that). For fields that aren't select-type fields,
this will simply be an empty array. Each object
contains the items described in the Value object
================= ======= =====================================================
Value object:
================= ======= =====================================================
name type description
================= ======= =====================================================
name string The actual value--this is what you would specify for
this field in ``create``, etc.
sort_key int Values, when displayed in a list, are sorted first by
this integer and then secondly by their name.
visibility_values array If ``value_field`` is defined for this field, then
this value is only shown if the ``value_field`` is
set to one of the values listed in this array. Note
that for per-product fields, ``value_field`` is set
to ``product`` and ``visibility_values`` will reflect
which product(s) this value appears in.
is_active boolean This value is defined only for certain
product-specific fields such as version,
target_milestone or component. When true, the value
is active; otherwise the value is not active.
description string The description of the value. This item is only
included for the ``keywords`` field.
is_open boolean For ``bug_status`` values, determines whether this
status specifies that the bug is "open" (``true``)
or "closed" (``false``). This item is only included
for the ``bug_status`` field.
can_change_to array For ``bug_status`` values, this is an array of
objects that determine which statuses you can
transition to from this status. (This item is only
included for the ``bug_status`` field.)
Each object contains the following items:
* name: (string) The name of the new status
* comment_required: (boolean) ``true`` if a comment
is required when you change a bug into this status
using this transition.
================= ======= =====================================================
.. _rest_legal_values:
Legal Values
**DEPRECATED** Use ''Fields'' instead.
Tells you what values are allowed for a particular field.
To get information on the values for a field based on field name:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/field/bug/(field)/values
To get information based on field name and a specific product:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/field/bug/(field)/(product_id)/values
========== ====== =============================================================
name type description
========== ====== =============================================================
field string The name of the field you want information about.
This should be the same as the name you would use in
:ref:`rest_create_bug`, below.
product_id int If you're picking a product-specific field, you have to
specify the ID of the product you want the values for.
========== ====== =============================================================
.. code-block:: js
"values": [
========== ====== =============================================================
name type description
========== ====== =============================================================
values array The legal values for this field. The values will be sorted
as they normally would be in Bugzilla.
========== ====== =============================================================
This is the standard REST API for external programs that want to interact
with Bugzilla. It provides a REST interface to various Bugzilla functions.
Basic Information
If the ``Accept`` header of a request is set to ``text/html`` (as it is by an
ordinary web browser) then the API will return the JSON data as a HTML
page which the browser can display. In other words, you can play with the
API using just your browser to see results in a human-readable form.
This is a good way to try out the various GET calls, even if you can't use
it for POST or PUT.
**Data Format**
The REST API only supports JSON input, and either JSON or JSONP output.
So objects sent and received must be in JSON format.
On every request, you must set both the ``Accept`` and ``Content-Type`` HTTP
headers to the MIME type of the data format you are using to communicate with
the API. ``Content-Type`` tells the API how to interpret your request, and
``Accept`` tells it how you want your data back. ``Content-Type`` must be
``application/json``. ``Accept`` can be either that, or
``application/javascript`` for JSONP. In the latter`case, add a ``callback``
parameter to name your callback.
Parameters may also be passed in as part of the query string for non-GET
requests and will override any matching parameters in the request body.
Example request which returns the current version of Bugzilla:
.. code-block:: http
GET /rest/version HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Example response:
.. code-block:: http
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
"version" : "4.2.9+"
When an error occurs over REST, an object is returned with the key ``error``
set to ``true``.
The error contents look similar to:
.. code-block:: js
"error": true,
"message": "Some message here",
"code": 123
Common Data Types
The Bugzilla API uses the following various types of parameters:
======== ======================================================================
type description
======== ======================================================================
int Integer.
double A floating-point number.
string A string.
email A string representing an email address. This value, when returned,
may be filtered based on if the user is logged in or not.
date A specific date. Example format: ``YYYY-MM-DD``.
datetime A date/time. Timezone should be in UTC unless otherwise noted.
Example format: ``YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SSZ``.
boolean ``true`` or ``false``.
base64 A base64-encoded string. This is the only way to transfer
binary data via the API.
array An array. There may be mixed types in an array. ``[`` and ``]`` are
used to represent the beginning and end of arrays.
object A mapping of keys to values. Called a "hash", "dict", or "map" in
some other programming languages. The keys are strings, and the
values can be any type. ``{`` and ``}`` are used to represent the
beginning and end of objects.
======== ======================================================================
Parameters that are required will be displayed in **bold** in the parameters
table for each API method.
Some methods do not require you to log in. An example of this is
:ref:`rest_single_bug`. However, authenticating yourself allows you to see
non-public information, for example, a bug that is not publicly visible.
There are two ways to authenticate yourself:
**API Keys**
You can specify ``Bugzilla_api_key`` or simply ``api_key`` as an argument to
any call, and you will be logged in as that user if the key is correct and has
not been revoked. You can set up an API key by using the 'API Key' tab in the
Preferences pages.
**Login and Password**
You can specify ``Bugzilla_login`` and ``Bugzilla_password`` or simply
``login`` and ``password`` respectively, as arguments to any call, and you will
be logged in as that user if your credentials are correct.
====================== ======= ==============================================
name type description
====================== ======= ==============================================
**Bugzilla_login** string A user's login name.
**Bugzilla_password** string That user's password.
Bugzilla_restrictlogin boolean If true, then your login will only be
valid for your IP address.
====================== ======= ==============================================
The ``Bugzilla_restrictlogin`` option is only used when you have also
specified ``Bugzilla_login`` and ``Bugzilla_password``.
There is also a deprecated method of authentication described below that will be
removed in the version after Bugzilla 5.0.
**Bugzilla Tokens**
You can use :ref:`rest_user_login` to log in as a Bugzilla user. This issues a
token that you must then use in future calls. Just use the value for ``token``
and pass as either ``Bugzilla_token`` or simply ``token`` as arguments to an
API call.
================== ====== ===================================================
name type description
================== ====== ===================================================
**Bugzilla_token** string You can specify this as argument to any call,
and you will be logged in as that user if the
token is correct. This is the token returned
when calling :ref:`rest_user_login` mentioned
================== ====== ===================================================
An error is thrown if you pass an invalid token; you will need to log in again
to get a new token.
Also starting with Bugzilla 5.0, login cookies are no longer returned by
:ref:`rest_user_login` due to security concerns.
Useful Parameters
Many calls take common arguments. These are documented below and linked from
the individual calls where these parameters are used.
**Including Fields**
Many calls return an array of objects with various fields in the objects. (For
example, :ref:`rest_single_bug` returns a list of ``bugs`` that have fields like
``id``, ``summary``, ``creation_time``, etc.)
These parameters allow you to limit what fields are present in the objects, to
improve performance or save some bandwidth.
``include_fields``: The (case-sensitive) names of fields in the response data.
Only the fields specified in the object will be returned, the rest will not be
included. Fields should be comma delimited.
Invalid field names are ignored.
Example request to :ref:`rest_user_get`:
.. code-block:: text
GET /rest/user/1?include_fields=id,name
would return something like:
.. code-block:: js
"users" : [
"id" : 1,
"name" : ""
**Excluding Fields**
``exclude_fields``: The (case-sensitive) names of fields in the return value. The\
fields specified will not be included in the returned hashes. Fields should
be comma delimited.
Invalid field names are ignored.
Specifying fields here overrides ``include_fields``, so if you specify a
field in both, it will be excluded, not included.
Example request to :ref:`rest_user_get`:
.. code-block:: js
GET /rest/user/1?exclude_fields=name
would return something like:
.. code-block:: js
"users" : [
"id" : 1,
"real_name" : "John Smith"
Some calls support specifying "subfields". If a call states that it supports
"subfield" restrictions, you can restrict what information is returned within
the first field. For example, if you call :ref:`rest_product_get` with an
``include_fields`` of ````, then only the component name would be
returned (and nothing else). You can include the main field, and exclude a
There are several shortcut identifiers to ask for only certain groups of
fields to be returned or excluded:
========= =====================================================================
value description
========= =====================================================================
_all All possible fields are returned if this is specified in
_default Default fields are returned if ``include_fields`` is empty or
this is specified. This is useful if you want the default
fields in addition to a field that is not normally returned.
_extra Extra fields are not returned by default and need to be manually
specified in ``include_fields`` either by exact field name, or adding
_custom Custom fields are normally returned by default unless this is added
to ``exclude_fields``. Also you can use it in ``include_fields`` if
for example you want specific field names plus all custom fields.
Custom fields are normally only relevant to bug objects.
========= =====================================================================
Core API v1
.. toctree::
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Your Bugzilla installation has the following extensions available (as of the
last time you compiled the documentation):
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Bugzilla Documentation
......@@ -748,8 +748,8 @@ Without this directive, Apache will not follow symbolic links
to places outside its own directory structure, and you will be
unable to run Bugzilla.
Apache *httpd * log files with bugzilla
Apache *httpd* log files with bugzilla
For security reasons it is recommended to prevent Apache from logging
query strings.
......@@ -761,8 +761,8 @@ reasons we recommend configuring Apache to not include the query-string in its l
files to avoid storing passwords in clear text on the server.
#. Load :file:`httpd.conf` or :file:`apache2.conf` in your editor.
In most of the Linux distributions this file is found in :folder:`/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`
or in :folder:`/etc/apache2/apache2.conf`.
In most of the Linux distributions this file is found in :folder:`/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`
or in :folder:`/etc/apache2/apache2.conf`.
#. Find the following line in the above mentioned file.
LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined.
......@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy::Recursive qw(rcopy);
# We need to be in this directory to use our libraries.
......@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ if (eval { require Pod::Simple }) {
$pod_simple = 1;
use Bugzilla::Constants qw(BUGZILLA_VERSION);
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants qw(BUGZILLA_VERSION bz_locations);
use File::Path qw(rmtree);
use File::Which qw(which);
......@@ -126,23 +128,43 @@ foreach my $lang (@langs) {
next if grep { $_ eq '--pod-only' } @ARGV;
# Collect up local extension documentation into the extensions/ dir.
sub wanted {
if ($File::Find::dir =~ /\/doc\/?$/ &&
$_ =~ /\.rst$/)
copy($File::Find::name, "rst/extensions");
chdir $docparent;
# Generate extension documentation, both normal and API
my $ext_dir = bz_locations()->{'extensionsdir'};
my @ext_paths = grep { $_ !~ /\/create\.pl$/ && ! -e "$_/disabled" }
my %extensions;
foreach my $item (@ext_paths) {
my $basename = basename($item);
if (-d "$item/docs/$lang/rst") {
$extensions{$basename} = "$item/docs/$lang/rst";
# Collect up local extension documentation into the extensions/ dir.
# Clear out old extensions docs
rmtree('rst/extensions', 0, 1);
'wanted' => \&wanted,
'no_chdir' => 1,
}, "$docparent/../extensions");
rmtree('rst/api/extensions', 0, 1);
foreach my $ext_name (keys %extensions) {
foreach my $path (glob($extensions{$ext_name} . "/*")) {
my ($file, $dir) = fileparse($path);
if ($file eq 'api') {
my $dst = "$docparent/$lang/rst/api/extensions/$ext_name";
mkdir($dst) unless -d $dst;
rcopy("$path/*", $dst);
my $dst = "$docparent/$lang/rst/extensions/$ext_name";
mkdir($dst) unless -d $dst;
rcopy($path, "$dst/$file");
chdir "$docparent/$lang";
MakeDocs('HTML', 'make html');
MakeDocs('TXT', 'make text');
Example API v1
Here is where you place your API docs for the Example extension.
......@@ -19,4 +19,3 @@ documentation is copied into the same directory. So, for example, this file
is called :file:`example.rst`, as it's part of the Example extension. If you
need multiple documentation files, prefix the filename with the name of your
extension, e.g. :file:`example-extra.rst`.
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