- 12 Jul, 2006 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 317694: All buttons in forms must have an id - Patches by André Batosti <batosti@async.com.br> r=ghendricks a=myk
- 18 Jun, 2006 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 5179: Need to be able to put attachment on new bug - Patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 16 Jun, 2006 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 341689: 'Edit Attachment As Comment' converts plain text to HTML entities - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r/a=myk
- 08 Jun, 2006 1 commit
vladd%bugzilla.org authored
Follow-up spelling patch for bug 44595: replace 'a irreversible way' with 'an irreversible way'; patch by Vlad Dascalu <vladd@bugzilla.org>.
- 07 Jun, 2006 1 commit
uid623 authored
Follow-up patch for bug 315590: fix scenario where we have private attachments, and make the numbering behaviour consistent with the way we currently treat private bug comments; patch by Vlad Dascalu <vladd@bugzilla.org>, r=timeless; a=myk on the bug.
- 06 Jun, 2006 1 commit
uid623 authored
Patch for bug 315590: add anchors to flag section; patch by timeless <timeless@bemail.org>, r=vladd, a=myk.
- 18 Apr, 2006 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 44595: Implement an interface for administrators to delete attachments - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=wicked, justdave a=justdave
- 09 Mar, 2006 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 313256: Update CSS for attachment comment in real time to private comments - Patch by André Batosti <batosti@async.com.br> r=vladd a=myk
- 03 Mar, 2006 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 328089: make number of columns in additional comments field identical with constants.COMMENT_COLS; patch by Rudolf Ramler <rudolf.ramler@scch.at>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
- 02 Mar, 2006 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 281358: Attachment links in bugmail are different from the link in show_bug.cgi - Patch by timeless <timeless@bemail.org> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 26 Feb, 2006 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 284875: Move GetBugLink, GetAttachmentLink, and quoteUrls out of globals.pl - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=mkanat a=justdave
- 22 Feb, 2006 3 commits
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 291459: Make textareas zoom large when in use - Patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> r=vladd a=justdave
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 326060: Remove template check for flag.setter (it always exists) - patch by Olav Vitters <bugzilla-mozilla@bkor.dhs.org>, r=LpSolit, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 97868: Rename the "Edit" action (for attachments) to something else (use "Details"); patch by timeless <timeless@bemail.org>, r=mkanat, a=justdave.
- 10 Jan, 2006 1 commit
timeless%mozdev.org authored
r=lpsolit a=justdave
- 14 Dec, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 208827: Default Attachment Creation to "autodetect" - Patch by Vlad Dascalu <vladd@bugzilla.org> r=jouni a=justdave
- 08 Dec, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 301764: The file size indicates "0" when editing local attachments - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=myk a=justdave
- 20 Oct, 2005 2 commits
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
Patch by Erik Stambaugh <erik@dasbistro.com> r=joel, a=justdave
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
Patch by Joel Peshkin <bugreport@peshkin.net> r=lpsolit, a=justdave
- 18 Oct, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 305807: Fix some incorrect template filtering types - Patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org> r=LpSolit r=justdave a=justdave
- 01 Sep, 2005 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
- 30 Jul, 2005 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
Fix for bug 302083: automatically converts BMP files to PNG files to conserve disk space; patch by Greg Hendricks; r=myk, a=myk
- 14 Jul, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 300507: "View All" is misplaced in the attachment table - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=glob a=myk
- 10 Jul, 2005 1 commit
bugzilla%glob.com.au authored
Patch by Byron Jones <bugzilla@glob.com.au> r=LpSolit,a=justdave
- 16 Jun, 2005 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
Bug 297797: New Hook - add actions to attachment table - Patch by Dennis Melentyev <dennis.melentyev@infopulse.com.ua> r/a=myk
- 23 May, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 295137: Unneeded "#" in interdiff page title - Patch by Gavin Sharp <gavin.sharp@gmail.com> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 28 Apr, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 274724: The 'Edit Attachment' link is now available even if a user does not have 'editbugs' privs - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=myk a=myk
- 30 Mar, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 288131: PatchViewer adds extra empty lines in modified parts of patches - Patch by Frederic Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=glob a=justdave
- 27 Feb, 2005 1 commit
mkanat%kerio.com authored
Patch By Anne van Kesteren <bug@annevankesteren.nl> r=myk, r=mkanat, a=myk
- 25 Feb, 2005 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
Patch by Anne van Kesteren <bug@annevankesteren.nl> r=LpSolit,a=myk
- 21 Feb, 2005 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
- 05 Feb, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Anne van Kesteren <bug@annevankesteren.nl> r=GavinS a=justdave
- 19 Jan, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Bug 245282 : Flags should use nonbreaking hyphens or nowrap or somehow prevent hyphens from breaking flag names Patch by LpSolit@gmail.com r=wurblzap a=myk
- 05 Nov, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 266955: Only display interdiff options if we have other_patches; patch by Christian Reis <kiko@async.com.br>; r=myk, a=myk.
- 24 Sep, 2004 1 commit
timeless%mozdev.org authored
r=vladd a=myk
- 10 Sep, 2004 1 commit
kiko%async.com.br authored
viewer UI while we're at it). Do just that. r=myk, a=myk.
- 01 Sep, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 254371: include Flag Types in create new attachments form; patch by Alexandre Michetti Manduca <michetti@grad.icmc.usp.br>; r=jouni, a=myk.
- 23 Aug, 2004 1 commit
kiko%async.com.br authored
- 29 Jul, 2004 1 commit
kiko%async.com.br authored
this was done to improve link target consistency and avoid shell-pasting bustage from the & character. r=myk, a=justdave.
- 27 Jul, 2004 1 commit
kiko%async.com.br authored
doing an interdiff, and fixes some broken and confusing double-linking in the text. r=joel, a=justdave.