Last commit
Last update
banner.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
calendar.js.tmpl The calendar widget is not localizable.
choose-classification.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
choose-product.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
code-error.html.tmpl Bug 676844: Replace ThrowCodeError() by ThrowUserError() when the error is not triggered by the code itself
common-links.html.tmpl HTML pages no longer passed HTML4 validation due to a duplicated ID, see bug 730670
confirm-action.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
confirm-user-match.html.tmpl Bug 491198: The error message shouldn't say "didn't match anything" when entering a too short name (when emailsuffix is in use)
docslinks.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
field-descs.none.tmpl Bug 786889: Add missing 'Summary (first 60 chars)' header to CSV output
footer.html.tmpl Bug 851591: Add a main-end hook into global/footer.html.tmpl to be able to display additional data before displaying the page footer
header.html.tmpl Fix bustage
hidden-fields.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
js-products.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
message.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
message.txt.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
messages.html.tmpl Bug 842068: Add 'group_updated_fields' hook to 'global/messages.html.tmpl'
reason-descs.none.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
select-menu.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
setting-descs.none.tmpl Bug 663747: Add an option to disable 'New: ' prefix on bugmail
site-navigation.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
tabs.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
textarea.html.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
useful-links.html.tmpl Bug 319598: Add support for saved tabular and graphical reports
user-error.html.tmpl Bug 897264 - letters_numbers_specialchars password restriction is incorrect
user.html.tmpl Loading commit data...
userselect.html.tmpl Loading commit data...
value-descs.js.tmpl Loading commit data...
value-descs.none.tmpl Loading commit data...
variables.none.tmpl Loading commit data...