Last commit
Last update
chart.csv.tmpl Bug 680131: Replace the MPL 1.1 license by the MPL 2.0 one in all files, and add it to files which miss one
chart.html.tmpl Bug 840407: Remove the "align" and "valign" attributes
chart.png.tmpl Bug 287682: UTF-8 characters are incorrectly displayed in New Charts and graphical reports
components.html.tmpl Bug 956190 (part 4): Merge duplicates.css, reports.css, search_form.css, show_multiple.css and summarize-time.css with buglist.css
create-chart.html.tmpl Bug 258026 - add format hint to chart date input. r=gerv, a=glob.
delete-series.html.tmpl Bug 770073 - Hardcode "Bugzilla" in templates when it's not related to a specific Bugzilla installation
duplicates-simple.html.tmpl Bug 956190 (part 4): Merge duplicates.css, reports.css, search_form.css, show_multiple.css and summarize-time.css with buglist.css
duplicates-table.html.tmpl Bug 933253: In duplicates.cgi, display the Priority field instead of the OS field
duplicates.html.tmpl Bug 994619 - show_bug product list is sometimes missing the actual product a bug is in
edit-series.html.tmpl Bug 956190 (part 4): Merge duplicates.css, reports.css, search_form.css, show_multiple.css and summarize-time.css with buglist.css
keywords.html.tmpl Bug 920681: Remove the cellspacing and cellpadding attributes from tables
menu.html.tmpl Bug 1107874 - make Help links point to new documentation. r=dkl, a=justdave.
old-charts.html.tmpl Bug 1107874 - make Help links point to new documentation. r=dkl, a=justdave.
report-bar.png.tmpl Bug 287682: UTF-8 characters are incorrectly displayed in New Charts and graphical reports
report-line.png.tmpl Bug 287682: UTF-8 characters are incorrectly displayed in New Charts and graphical reports
report-pie.png.tmpl Bug 287682: UTF-8 characters are incorrectly displayed in New Charts and graphical reports
report-simple.html.tmpl Bug 546838: Upgrade Bugzilla to HTML5
report-table.csv.tmpl Bug 1054702: CSV export vulnerable to formulae injection
report-table.html.tmpl Bug 840407: Remove the "align" and "valign" attributes
report.csv.tmpl Bug 696387: Remove useless calls to field-descs.none.tmpl
report.html.tmpl Bug 956190 (part 4): Merge duplicates.css, reports.css, search_form.css, show_multiple.css and summarize-time.css with buglist.css
series-common.html.tmpl Bug 952795: Remove all style="..." attributes from HTML elements
series.html.tmpl Bug 952795: Remove all style="..." attributes from HTML elements