epm-repack-rpm 7.28 KB
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# Copyright (C) 2017-2018, 2020  Etersoft
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018, 2020  Vitaly Lipatov <lav@etersoft.ru>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# args: pkgname buildroot spec
    local pkgname="$1"
    local buildroot="$2"
    local spec="$3"
    local i

    # drop forbidded paths
    # https://bugzilla.altlinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38842
    for i in / /etc /etc/init.d /etc/systemd /bin /opt /usr /usr/bin /usr/share /usr/share/doc /var /var/log /var/run \
            /etc/cron.daily /usr/share/icons /usr/share/pixmaps /usr/share/man /usr/share/man/man1 /usr/share/appdata /usr/share/applications /usr/share/menu ; do
        sed -i \
            -e "s|/\./|/|" \
            -e "s|^%dir[[:space:]]\"$i/*\"$||" \
            -e "s|^%dir[[:space:]]$i/*$||" \
            -e "s|^\"$i/*\"$||" \
            -e "s|^$i/*$||" \

    # commented out: conflicts with already installed package
    # drop %dir for existed system dirs
    #for i in $(grep '^%dir "' $spec | sed -e 's|^%dir  *"\(.*\)".*|\1|' ) ; do #"
    #    echo "$i" | grep -q '^/opt/' && continue
    #    [ -d "$i" ] && [ -n "$verbose" ] && echo "drop dir $i from packing, it exists in the system"

    # replace dir "/path/dir" -> %dir /path/dir
    grep '^"/' $spec | sed -e 's|^"\(/.*\)"$|\1|' | while read i ; do
        # add dir as %dir in the filelist
        if [ -d "$buildroot$i" ] ; then
            subst "s|^\(\"$i\"\)$|%dir \1|" $spec
        #    subst 's|^\("'$i'"\)$|\1|' $spec

    # FIXME: where is a source of the bug with empty Summary?
    subst "s|Summary: *$|Summary: $pkgname (was empty Summary after alien)|" $spec
    subst "s|^\(Version: .*\)~.*|\1|" $spec
    subst "s|^Release: |Release: alt1.repacked.with.epm.|" $spec
    subst "s|^Distribution:.*||" $spec
    subst "s|^\((Converted from a\) \(.*\) \(package.*\)|(Repacked from binary \2 package with epm $EPMVERSION)\n\1 \2 \3|" $spec
    #" hack for highlight

# args: pkgname buildroot spec
    local repackcode="$EPM_REPACK_SCRIPTS_DIR/$1.sh"
    [ -s "$repackcode" ] || return
73 74
    [ -f "$repackcode.rpmnew" ] && warning "There is .rpmnew file(s) in $EPM_REPACK_SCRIPTS_DIR dir. The pack script can be outdated."

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
    export PATH=$PROGDIR:$PATH
    local bashopt=''
    [ -n "$verbose" ] && bashopt='-x'
    ( unset EPMCURDIR ; docmd $CMDSHELL $bashopt $repackcode "$1" "$2" "$3" ) || fatal "There is an error from $repackcode script"

[ -n "$TMPDIR" ] || TMPDIR=/tmp

    cat <<EOF >$HOME/.rpmmacros
88 89
%_topdir    $HOME/RPM
%_tmppath    $TMPDIR

91 92 93
%packager    EPM <support@eepm.ru>
%_vendor    EEPM
%_gpg_name    support@etersoft.ru

%_allow_root_build    1
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
    to_remove_pkg_files="$to_remove_pkg_files $HOME/.rpmmacros"

# will fill repacked_pkgs var
    local pkgs="$*"
    #case $DISTRNAME in
    #    ALTLinux|ALTServer)
    #        ;;
    #    *)
    #        assure_distr ALTLinux "install --repack for rpm target"
    #        ;;

    # Note: install epm-repack for static (package based) dependencies
    assure_exists alien || fatal

    # TODO: check for all systems
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
    case $PKGFORMAT in
            assure_exists /usr/bin/rpmbuild rpm-build || fatal
            assure_exists /usr/bin/rpmbuild rpm || fatal
125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133

    # TODO: improve
    if echo "$pkgs" | grep -q "\.deb" ; then
        assure_exists dpkg || fatal
        # TODO: Для установки требует: /usr/share/debconf/confmodule но пакет не может быть установлен
        # assure_exists debconf

    local pkg
    export HOME="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=$BIGTMPDIR)"
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202
    to_clean_tmp_dirs="$to_clean_tmp_dirs $HOME"
    trap "__epm_remove_tmp_files" EXIT

    local alpkg
    local abspkg
    local tmpbuilddir
    for pkg in $pkgs ; do
        tmpbuilddir=$HOME/$(basename $pkg).tmpdir
        mkdir $tmpbuilddir
        abspkg="$(realpath $pkg)"
        info ""
        info "Repacking $abspkg to local rpm format (inside $tmpbuilddir) ..."

        alpkg=$(basename $pkg)
        # don't use abs package path: copy package to temp dir and use there
        cp $verbose $pkg $tmpbuilddir/../$alpkg

        cd $tmpbuilddir/../ || fatal
        __prepare_source_package "$pkg"
        cd $tmpbuilddir/ || fatal

        if [ -n "$verbose" ] ; then
            docmd alien --generate --to-rpm $verbose $scripts "../$alpkg" || fatal
            showcmd alien --generate --to-rpm $scripts "../$alpkg"
            a='' alien --generate --to-rpm $scripts "../$alpkg" >/dev/null || fatal

        local subdir="$(echo *)"
        [ -d "$subdir" ] || fatal "can't find subdir in $(pwd)"

        # detect spec and move to prev dir
        local spec="$(echo $tmpbuilddir/$subdir/*.spec)"
        [ -s "$spec" ] || fatal "Can't find spec $spec"
        mv $spec $tmpbuilddir || fatal
        spec="$tmpbuilddir/$(basename "$spec")"
        #__set_name_version $spec $PKGNAME $VERSION
        local pkgname="$(grep "^Name: " $spec | sed -e "s|Name: ||g" | head -n1)"

        # for tarballs fix permissions
        [ -n "$VERSION" ] && chmod $verbose -R a+rX $tmpbuilddir/$subdir/*

        __fix_spec $pkgname $tmpbuilddir/$subdir $spec
        __apply_fix_code "generic" $tmpbuilddir/$subdir $spec $pkgname
        [ -n "$SUBGENERIC" ] && __apply_fix_code "generic-$SUBGENERIC" $tmpbuilddir/$subdir $spec
        __apply_fix_code $pkgname $tmpbuilddir/$subdir $spec $pkgname
        # TODO: we need these dirs to be created
        to_remove_pkg_dirs="$to_remove_pkg_dirs $HOME/RPM/BUILD $HOME/RPM"

        TARGETARCH=$(epm print info -a | sed -e 's|^x86$|i586|')

        showcmd rpmbuild --buildroot $tmpbuilddir/$subdir --target $TARGETARCH -bb $spec
        if [ -n "$verbose" ] ; then
            a='' rpmbuild --buildroot $tmpbuilddir/$subdir --target $TARGETARCH -bb $spec || fatal
            a='' rpmbuild --buildroot $tmpbuilddir/$subdir --target $TARGETARCH -bb $spec >/dev/null || fatal
        # remove copy of source binary package (don't mix with generated)
        rm -f $tmpbuilddir/../$alpkg
        local repacked_rpm="$(realpath $tmpbuilddir/../*.rpm)"
        if [ -s "$repacked_rpm" ] ; then
            repacked_pkgs="$repacked_pkgs $repacked_rpm"
            to_remove_pkg_files="$to_remove_pkg_files $repacked_rpm"
            warning "Can't find converted rpm for source binary package '$pkg'"
        cd $EPMCURDIR >/dev/null
204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212
        rm -rf $tmpbuilddir/$subdir/
        rm -rf $spec

    rmdir $tmpbuilddir
    #rmdir $tmpbuilddir/..