Commit 30588f26 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm-check: use rpmevrcmp to delete old versions

parent 835a9dde
......@@ -37,8 +37,10 @@ try_fix_apt_rpm_dupls()
local todel2="$(rpm -q $pkg | head -n2 | tail -n1)"
if [ "$todel" = "$todel2" ] ; then
echo "Fix the same name duplicates for $pkg..."
sudocmd rpm -e "$todel" --allmatches --nodeps && epm install $pkg && continue
sudocmd rpm -e "$todel" --allmatches --nodeps --justdb && epm install $pkg && continue
# first use older package
[ "$(rpmevrcmp "$todel" "$todel2")" = "1" ] && todel="$todel2"
sudocmd rpm -e "$todel" || TODEL="$TODEL $todel"
[ -n "$TODEL" ] && sudocmd rpm -e "$TODEL"
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