Commit 3b0ddb71 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm repo add/remove: add korinf support

parent 2f1a4473
......@@ -168,12 +168,13 @@ __epm_addrepo_altlinux_help()
cat <<EOF
epm repo add - add branch repo. Use follow params:
etersoft - for LINUX@Etersoft repo"
basealt - for BaseALT repo"
yandex - for BaseALT repo mirror hosted by Yandex (recommended)"
altsp - add ALT SP repo"
autoimports - for BaseALT autoimports repo"
altlinuxclub - for altlinuxclub repo ("
etersoft - for LINUX@Etersoft repo"
korinf - for Korinf repo"
<task number> - add task repo"
archive 2018/02/09 - add archive of the repo from that date"
/dir/to/repo [component] - add repo dir generated with epm repo index --init"
......@@ -244,6 +245,12 @@ __epm_addrepo_altlinux()
local http="http"
epm installed apt-https && http="https"
epm repo add "rpm $ Korinf/ALTLinux/$DISTRVERSION main"
return 0
echo "$datestr" | grep -Eq "^20[0-2][0-9]/[01][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]$" || fatal "use follow date format: 2017/12/31"
......@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ __epm_removerepo_alt()
info "remove archive repos"
__epm_removerepo_alt_grepremove "archive/"
info "remove korinf repo"
__epm_removerepo_alt_grepremove "Korinf/"
info "remove task repos"
__epm_removerepo_alt_grepremove " repo/[0-9]+/"
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ epm_repo()
epm_addrepo "$@"
epm update
rm|remove) # HELPCMD: remove repository from the sources lists (epm repo remove all for all)
rm|del|remove) # HELPCMD: remove repository from the sources lists (epm repo remove all for all)
load_helper epm-removerepo
epm_removerepo "$@"
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