Commit 42baa46b authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm pack: cleanup reaper

parent 31e17c81
......@@ -9,16 +9,15 @@ epm assure xdg-desktop-menu xdg-utils || fatal
# reaper711_linux_x86_64.tar.xz
BASENAME=$(basename $TAR .tar.xz)
VERSION=$(echo $BASENAME | sed -e 's|reaper||' | sed -e 's|_linux_*.tar.xz||')
VERSION=$(echo $BASENAME | sed -e 's|^reaper||' | sed -e 's|_linux_.*||')
ln -s $TAR $BASENAME.tar.xz
erc unpack $BASENAME.tar.xz || fatal
subst "s|xdg-desktop-menu install \$2 |xdg-desktop-menu install --mode user --noupdate |" reaper_linux_x86_64/
subst "s|--size 256|--size 256 --noupdate|" reaper_linux_x86_64/
erc unpack $TAR || fatal
SUBDIR="$(echo reaper*)"
subst "s|xdg-desktop-menu install \$2 |xdg-desktop-menu install --mode user --noupdate |" $SUBDIR/
subst "s|--size 256|--size 256 --noupdate|" $SUBDIR/
# subst 's|cd "$(dirname "$0")"||'
sh reaper_linux_x86_64/ --install $(pwd)/opt --integrate-desktop --quiet
sh $SUBDIR/ --install $(pwd)/opt --integrate-desktop --quiet || fatal
mkdir -p usr/share/applications
mkdir -p usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/
......@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ SPEC="$2"
. $(dirname $0)/
add_bin_link_command $PRODUCT $PRODUCTDIR/$PRODUCT
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