Commit 6023a9a0 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

for extra repos use eget, not rsync

parent 5726ac20
......@@ -119,9 +119,12 @@ update_alt_contents_index()
rsync_alt_contents_index $REMOTEURL/base/contents_index.gz $LOCALPATH/contents_index.gz && __add_to_contents_index_list "$REMOTEURL" "$LOCALPATH/contents_index.gz" && continue
[ -n "$verbose" ] && info "Note: Can't retrieve $REMOTEURL/base/contents_index.gz, fallback to $URL/base/contents_index"
# we don't know if remote server has rsync
# fix rsync URL firstly
local RSYNCURL="$(echo "$URL" | sed -e "s|rsync://\(\|\|\)/pub/distributions/ALTLinux|rsync://\1/ALTLinux|")" #"
rsync_alt_contents_index $RSYNCURL/base/contents_index $LOCALPATH/contents_index -z && __add_to_contents_index_list "$RSYNCURL" "$LOCALPATH/contents_index" && continue
#local RSYNCURL="$(echo "$URL" | sed -e "s|rsync://\(\|\|\)/pub/distributions/ALTLinux|rsync://\1/ALTLinux|")" #"
#rsync_alt_contents_index $RSYNCURL/base/contents_index $LOCALPATH/contents_index -z && __add_to_contents_index_list "$RSYNCURL" "$LOCALPATH/contents_index" && continue
mkdir -p "$LOCALPATH"
eget -O $LOCALPATH/contents_index $URL/base/contents_index && __add_to_contents_index_list "$RSYNCURL" "$LOCALPATH/contents_index" && continue
__add_better_to_contents_index_list "(cached)" "$LOCALPATH/contents_index.gz" "$LOCALPATH/contents_index"
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