Commit 6ed59d2b authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm pack pantum: fix tar name handling (there are no spaces more)

parent 6bc45bf5
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ RETURNTARNAME="$2"
. $(dirname $0)/
if echo "$TAR" | grep -q "Pantum Ubuntu Driver V.*.zip" ; then
# epm replaces spaces with - in downloaded files
if echo "$TAR" | grep -q "Pantum[ -]Ubuntu[ -]Driver[- ]V.*.zip" ; then
erc "$TAR" || fatal
elif echo "$TAR" | grep -q "Pantum%20Ubuntu%20Driver%20V.*.zip" ; then
erc "$TAR" || fatal
......@@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ else
fatal "We support only Pantum Ubuntu Driver V.*.zip"
rm -v "$TAR"
# drop dirname with spaces
mv Pantum* PantumDriver || fatal
cd PantumDriver/Resources || fatal
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