Commit 7e17a518 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm: improve args separating

parent ae010808
......@@ -544,8 +544,6 @@ check_option()
return 0
# TODO: skip for commands where we don't need parse args
local opt
......@@ -553,18 +551,18 @@ check_filenames()
# files can be with full path or have extension via .
if [ -f "$opt" ] && echo "$opt" | grep -q "[/\.]" ; then
has_space "$opt" && warning "There are space(s) in filename '$opt', it is not supported. Skipped" && continue
pkg_files="$pkg_files $opt"
[ -n "$pkg_files" ] && pkg_files="$pkg_files $opt" || pkg_files="$opt"
elif [ -d "$opt" ] ; then
has_space "$opt" && warning "There are space(s) in directory path '$opt', it is not supported. Skipped" && continue
pkg_dirs="$pkg_dirs $opt"
[ -n "$pkg_dirs" ] && pkg_dirs="$pkg_dirs $opt" || pkg_dirs="$opt"
elif is_url "$opt" ; then
has_space "$opt" && warning "There are space(s) in URL '$opt', it is not supported. Skipped" && continue
pkg_urls="$pkg_urls $opt"
[ -n "$pkg_urls" ] && pkg_urls="$pkg_urls $opt" || pkg_urls="$opt"
has_space "$opt" && warning "There are space(s) in package name '$opt', it is not supported. Skipped." && continue
pkg_names="$pkg_names $opt"
[ -n "$pkg_names" ] && pkg_names="$pkg_names $opt" || pkg_names="$opt"
quoted_args="$quoted_args \"$opt\""
[ -n "$quoted_args" ] && quoted_args="$quoted_args \"$opt\"" || quoted_args="\"$opt\""
......@@ -585,7 +583,7 @@ for opt in "$@" ; do
if [ -n "$direct_args" ] ; then
quoted_args="$quoted_args \"$opt\""
[ -n "$quoted_args" ] && quoted_args="$quoted_args \"$opt\"" || quoted_args="\"$opt\""
# Note: will parse all params separately (no package names with spaces!)
check_filenames "$opt"
......@@ -611,11 +609,8 @@ if [ ! -n "$inscript" ] && ! inputisatty && [ -n "$PROGDIR" ] ; then
pkg_files=$(strip_spaces "$pkg_files")
pkg_dirs=$(strip_spaces "$pkg_dirs")
# in common case dirs equals to names only suddenly
pkg_names=$(strip_spaces "$pkg_names $pkg_dirs")
pkg_urls=$(strip_spaces "$pkg_urls")
pkg_filenames=$(strip_spaces "$pkg_files $pkg_names")
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