Commit 83e80768 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

add trueconf-client repack config

parent af81002a
#!/bin/sh -x
# It will run with two args: buildroot spec
subst 's|%dir "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/.*||' $SPEC
# Make relative symlink
# TODO: alien does not support ghost files?
mkdir -p $BUILDROOT/usr/bin/
rm -f $BUILDROOT/usr/bin/trueconf
ln -s ../../opt/trueconf/trueconf-client $BUILDROOT/usr/bin/trueconf
chmod a+x $BUILDROOT/opt/trueconf/trueconf-client
rm -rvf $BUILDROOT/usr/local/
[ "$(distr_info -b)" = 64 ] && LIBUDEV=/lib64/ || LIBUDEV=/lib/
ln -s $LIBUDEV $BUILDROOT/opt/trueconf/lib/
REQUIRES="libudev1 pulseaudio alsa-utils libv4l sqlite gtk2 libpng openssl udev libxslt xdg-utils"
subst "s|^\(Name: .*\)$|# FIXME: due autoreqs\nAutoReq:yes,nolib\n# Converted from original package requires\nRequires:$REQUIRES\n\1|g" $SPEC
subst 's|.*/usr/local.*||' $SPEC
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