Commit a1927b0d authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm pack.d/ get VERSION from X-AppImage-Version field of a desktop file

parent 57ecd3b3
......@@ -18,12 +18,19 @@ else
# AppImage version
# hack for ktalk2.4.2 -> ktalk 2.4.2
VERSION="$(echo "$alpkg" | grep -o -P "[-_.a-zA-Z]([0-9])([0-9])*([.]*[0-9])*" | head -n1 | sed -e 's|^[-_.a-zA-Z]||' -e 's|--|-|g' )" #"
[ -n "$VERSION" ] && PRODUCT="$(echo "$alpkg" | sed -e "s|[-_.]$VERSION.*||")" || fatal "Can't get version from $TAR."
[ -n "$VERSION" ] && PRODUCT="$(echo "$alpkg" | sed -e "s|[-_.]$VERSION.*||")" || PRODUCT="$(basename $alpkg .AppImage)"
[ -x "$TAR" ] || chmod u+x $verbose "$TAR"
$TAR --appimage-extract >/dev/null || fatal
DESKTOPFILE="$(echo squashfs-root/*.desktop | head -n1)"
str="$(grep '^X-AppImage-Version=' $DESKTOPFILE)"
if [ -n "$str" ] ; then
VERSION="$(echo $str | sed -e 's|.*X-AppImage-Version=||')"
[ -n "$VERSION" ] || fatal "Can't get version from $TAR."
cat <<EOF >$PKGNAME.eepm.yaml
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