Commit b2091b1f authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm-autoremove: skip libva- and libvdpau plugins

parent 2b40ba9a
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ __epm_autoremove_altrpm_lib()
| grep -E -v -- "$develrule" \
| grep -E -v -- "-(debuginfo)$" \
| grep -E -v -- "-(util|utils|tool|tools|plugin|daemon|help)$" \
| grep -E -v -- "^(libva-|libvdpau-va-gl)$" \
| grep -E -v -- "^(libsystemd|libreoffice|libnss|libvirt-client|libvirt-daemon|libsasl2-plugin|eepm|distro_info)" )
pkgs=$(skip_manually_installed $fullpkgs)
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