Commit c6d64645 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

distr_info: fix fill VENDOR_ID

parent 5fa1e195
master devel
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......@@ -421,10 +421,10 @@ if distro os-release ; then
if [ -n "$ID_LIKE" ] ; then
# ID_LIKE can be 'rhel centos fedora', use first word
VENDOR_ID="$(echo "$ID_LIKE" | firstword)"
VENDOR_ID="$(firstword "$ID_LIKE")"
# use latest word for versions like Fedora has
if is_numeric "$DISTRIB_RELEASE" && [ "$DISTRIB_RELEASE" -ge 20 ] ; then
VENDOR_ID="$(echo "$ID_LIKE" | lastword)"
VENDOR_ID="$(lastword "$ID_LIKE")"
if [ "$VENDOR_ID" = "debian" ] && [ -n "$DEBIAN_CODENAME" ] ; then
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