Commit fafbe331 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

add support for ALT Linux t7

parent 53533046
......@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ if distro altlinux-release ; then
if has Sisyphus ; then DISTRIB_RELEASE="Sisyphus"
elif has "ALT Linux 7." ; then DISTRIB_RELEASE="p7"
elif has "ALT Linux t7." ; then DISTRIB_RELEASE="t7"
elif has "ALT Linux 8." ; then DISTRIB_RELEASE="p8"
elif has "ALT .*8.[0-9]" ; then DISTRIB_RELEASE="p8"
elif has "Simply Linux 6." ; then DISTRIB_RELEASE="p6"
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2016 Etersoft
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2016 Vitaly Lipatov <>
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2016, 2017 Etersoft
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2016, 2017 Vitaly Lipatov <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ __detect_alt_release_by_repo()
local BRD=$(cat /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list \
| grep -v "^#" \
| grep "p[5-9]/branch/" \
| sed -e "s|.*\(p[5-9]\)/branch.*|\1|g" \
| grep "[tp][5-9]/branch/" \
| sed -e "s|.*\([tp][5-9]\)/branch.*|\1|g" \
| sort -u )
if [ $(__wcount $BRD) = "1" ] ; then
echo "$BRD"
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ __alt_repofix()
load_helper epm-repofix
showcmd epm repofix
quiet=1 pkg_filenames='' epm_repofix >/dev/null
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[p[6-9]\]![updates]!g"
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[[tp][6-9]\]![updates]!g"
......@@ -90,25 +90,26 @@ get_fix_release_pkg()
local TO="$1"
case "$1" in
case "$TO" in
docmd epm update || fatal
docmd epm install apt rpm apt-conf-branch $(get_fix_release_pkg p7) || fatal "Check an error and run epm release-upgrade again"
docmd epm install apt rpm apt-conf-branch $(get_fix_release_pkg $TO) || fatal "Check an error and run epm release-upgrade again"
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[updates\]![p7]!g"
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[updates\]![$TO]!g"
docmd epm update || fatal
docmd epm upgrade || fatal "Check an error and run epm release-upgrade again"
docmd epm update || fatal
if ! docmd epm install apt rpm apt-conf-branch $(get_fix_release_pkg p8) ; then
if ! docmd epm install apt rpm apt-conf-branch $(get_fix_release_pkg $TO) ; then
# Hack for error: execution of %post scriptlet from glibc-core-2.23-alt1.eter1
docmd rpm -ev glibc-core-2.17 || fatal "Check an error and run epm release-upgrade again"
docmd epm install apt rpm apt-conf-branch $(get_fix_release_pkg p8) || fatal "Check an error and run epm release-upgrade again"
docmd epm install apt rpm apt-conf-branch $(get_fix_release_pkg $TO) || fatal "Check an error and run epm release-upgrade again"
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[updates\]![p8]!g"
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[updates\]![$TO]!g"
docmd epm update || fatal
if is_installed systemd && is_active_systemd systemd ; then
docmd epm install systemd || fatal
......@@ -126,48 +127,53 @@ __update_to_the_distro()
local FROMTO=$(echo "$*" | sed -e "s| | to |")
local TO=""
local FROM="$1"
case "$*" in
"p6"|"p6 p7")
info "Upgrade $DISTRNAME from p6 to p7 ..."
"p6"|"p6 p7"|"t6 p7")
info "Upgrade $DISTRNAME from $FROM to $TO ..."
docmd epm install apt-conf-branch || fatal
__replace_alt_version_in_repo p6/branch/ p7/branch/
__update_to_the_distro p7
__replace_alt_version_in_repo "$FROM/branch/" "$TO/branch/"
__update_to_the_distro "$TO"
docmd epm update-kernel
info "Done."
info "Run epm release-upgrade again for update to p8"
"p7"|"p7 p8")
info "Upgrade $DISTRNAME from p7 to p8 ..."
docmd epm install apt-conf-branch $(get_fix_release_pkg p7) || fatal
__replace_alt_version_in_repo p7/branch/ p8/branch/
__update_to_the_distro p8
"p7"|"p7 p8"|"t7 p8")
info "Upgrade $DISTRNAME from $FROM to $TO ..."
docmd epm install apt-conf-branch $(get_fix_release_pkg $FROM) || fatal
__replace_alt_version_in_repo $FROM/branch/ $TO/branch/
__update_to_the_distro $TO
docmd epm update-kernel || fatal
info "Done."
"Sisyphus p8")
info "Downgrade $DISTRNAME from Sisyphus to p8 ..."
info "Downgrade $DISTRNAME from $FROM to $TO ..."
docmd epm install apt-conf-branch || fatal
__replace_alt_version_in_repo Sisyphus/ p8/branch/
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[alt\]![p8]!g"
__update_to_the_distro p8
__replace_alt_version_in_repo "$FROM/" "$FROM/branch/"
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[alt\]![$TO]!g"
__update_to_the_distro $TO
docmd epm downgrade || fatal
info "Done."
"p8 Sisyphus")
info "Upgrade $DISTRNAME from p8 to Sisyphus ..."
info "Upgrade $DISTRNAME from $FROM to $TO ..."
docmd epm install apt-conf-branch || fatal
docmd epm upgrade || fatal
__replace_alt_version_in_repo p8/branch/ Sisyphus/
__replace_alt_version_in_repo "$FROM/branch/" "$TO/"
__replace_text_in_alt_repo "/^ *#/! s!\[updates\]![alt]!g"
__update_to_the_distro Sisyphus
__update_to_the_distro $TO
docmd epm update-kernel || fatal
info "Done."
warning "Have no idea how to update from $DISTRNAME $DISTRVERSION."
warning "Have no idea how to update from $DISTRNAME $FROM to $DISTRNAME $TO."
info "Try run f.i. # epm release-upgrade p8 or # epm release-upgrade Sisyphus"
info "Also possible you need install altlinux-release-p? package for correct distro version detecting"
return 1
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ __try_fix_apt_source_list()
# for beauty spaces
local SUBST_ALT_RULE='s!^(.*)[/ ](ALTLinux|LINUX\@Etersoft)[/ ](Sisyphus|p8[/ ]branch|p7[/ ]branch|p6[/ ]branch)[/ ](x86_64|i586|x86_64-i586|noarch) !\1 \2/\3/\4 !gi'
local SUBST_ALT_RULE='s!^(.*)[/ ](ALTLinux|LINUX\@Etersoft)[/ ](Sisyphus|p8[/ ]branch|p7[/ ]branch|t7[/ ]branch|c7[/ ]branch|p6[/ ]branch|t6[/ ]branch)[/ ](x86_64|i586|x86_64-i586|noarch) !\1 \2/\3/\4 !gi'
local i
for i in "$@" ; do
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