Commit a2394d9a authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

fix for support spaces in the mount path

parent cf683295
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ help_text()
[ "$1" == '--help' -o "$1" == '-h' ] && { help_text ; exit 0 ; }
# FIXME: Lav 19.02.10: I think, default mount path is useless
[ "$#" -ge 1 -a "$#" -le 2 ] || fatal 'Usage: etermount <//server/share> [</path/mountpoint>]'
if [ "$2" == '' ] ; then
......@@ -62,9 +63,9 @@ else
create_share_dir $SHARE_PATH
create_share_dir "$SHARE_PATH"
if $($SUDO mount -t cifs "$1" $SHARE_PATH -o $MOUNT_OPTIONS &>/dev/null) ; then
if $($SUDO mount -t cifs "$1" "$SHARE_PATH" -o $MOUNT_OPTIONS) ; then
echo "Info: mount of share $1 in mountpoint $SHARE_PATH has been successfully"
fatal "Warning: error while mount of share $1 in mountpoint $SHARE_PATH!"
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