Commit ca3f1a59 authored by Konstantin Baev's avatar Konstantin Baev

- move legacy sources into etercifs rpm package

spec: - delete Requires - delete Spec part for ALT Linux with BuildRequires - Url fixed
parent d7fa5f33
tar.bz2: cifs name=kernel-source-etercifs-legacy-1.50c
tar.bz2: sources/legacy name=kernel-source-etercifs-legacy-1.50c
tar.bz2: etercifs
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
%define src_package_version 1.50c
Name: etercifs
Version: 3.2
Version: 3.3
Release: alt2
Summary: Advanced Common Internet File System for Linux with Etersoft extension
......@@ -24,42 +24,13 @@ Packager: Konstantin Baev <>
License: GPLv2
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
BuildArch: noarch
Source: %name-%version.tar.bz2
Source1: %src_package_name-%src_package_version.tar.bz2
# Spec part for ALT Linux
%if %_vendor == "alt"
BuildRequires: kernel-build-tools
BuildRequires: kernel-headers-modules-std-def
#BuildRequires: kernel-headers-modules-std-smp kernel-headers-modules-ovz-smp kernel-headers-modules-std-def
# do not work?
%ifarch x86_64
# Don't know if ifnarch exist
BuildRequires: kernel-headers-modules-std-smp
#BuildRequires: kernel-headers-modules-std-pae
%if %_vendor == "suse"
# due kernel dependencies
AutoReq: no
Requires: kernel-source-etercifs-legacy
Requires: kernel-source-etercifs-2.6.23
Requires: kernel-source-etercifs-2.6.24
Requires: kernel-source-etercifs-2.6.25
ExclusiveOS: Linux
Conflicts: linux-cifs
......@@ -85,48 +56,10 @@ though.
This package has Etersoft's patches for WINE@Etersoft sharing access support.
%package -n %src_package_name
Version: %src_package_version
Release: alt1
Summary: Advanced Common Internet File System for Linux with Etersoft extension - module sources
Group: Development/Kernel
BuildArch: noarch
Conflicts: kernel-source-linux-cifs-legacy
%description -n %src_package_name
The CIFS VFS is a virtual file system for Linux to allow access to
servers and storage appliances compliant with the SNIA CIFS Specification
version 1.0 or later.
Popular servers such as Samba, Windows 2000, Windows XP and many others
support CIFS by default.
The CIFS VFS provides some support for older servers based on the more
primitive SMB (Server Message Block) protocol (you also can use the Linux
file system smbfs as an alternative for accessing these).
CIFS VFS is designed to take advantage of advanced network file system
features such as locking, Unicode (advanced internationalization),
hardlinks, dfs (hierarchical, replicated name space), distributed caching
and uses native TCP names (rather than RFC1001, Netbios names).
Unlike some other network file systems all key network function including
authentication is provided in kernel (and changes to mount and/or a mount
helper file are not required in order to enable the CIFS VFS). With the
addition of upcoming improvements to the mount helper (mount.cifs) the
CIFS VFS will be able to take advantage of the new CIFS URL specification
This package has Etersoft's patches for WINE@Etersoft sharing access support.
%setup -q
mkdir -p %kernel_srcdir
cp %SOURCE1 %kernel_srcdir/%src_package_name-%src_package_version.tar.bz2
for N in `seq 18 22`
ln -s %src_package_name-%src_package_version.tar.bz2 %kernel_srcdir/kernel-source-etercifs-2.6.$N-%src_package_version.tar.bz2
mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/%name
install -m644 kernel_src.list etercifs_src.list %buildroot%_datadir/%name
install -m755 distr_vendor %buildroot%_datadir/%name
......@@ -138,6 +71,15 @@ sed -e "s|@DATADIR@|%_datadir/%name|g" < %name.init > %name.init.repl
install -m755 %name.init.repl %buildroot%_initdir/%name
install -m755 %name.outformat %buildroot%_initdir/%name.outformat
%define etercifs_src %_datadir/%name/sources
mkdir -p %buildroot/%etercifs_src
cp %SOURCE1 %buildroot/%etercifs_src/%src_package_name-%src_package_version.tar.bz2
for N in `seq 18 22`
ln -s %src_package_name-%src_package_version.tar.bz2 %buildroot/%etercifs_src/kernel-source-etercifs-2.6.$N-%src_package_version.tar.bz2
%post_service %name
......@@ -149,12 +91,17 @@ install -m755 %name.outformat %buildroot%_initdir/%name.outformat
%files -n %src_package_name
%attr(0644,root,root) %kernel_src/%src_package_name-%src_package_version.tar.bz2
* Fri Oct 10 2008 Konstantin Baev <> 3.2-alt3
- move sources into etercifs rmp package
- delete Requires
- delete Spec part for ALT Linux with BuildRequires
- Url fixed
* Thu Oct 09 2008 Konstantin Baev <> 3.2-alt2
- remove Requires: rpm-build-compat
- add distr_vendor into package
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