Commit 483e8373 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

createbytasks fixes (includes issue)

parent b295bc4c
......@@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ tune_php7()
for i in mod_php7 status mpm_itk remoteip setenvif rewrite session ; do
for i in mod_php7 status mpm_itk remoteip setenvif rewrite session include ; do
a2enmod $i
for i in include; do
a2dismod $i
#for i in include; do
# a2dismod $i
for i in httpd-multilang-errordoc ; do
a2disextra $i
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ EOF
#subst "s|^Listen .*|Listen $PORT|" /etc/httpd2/conf/ports-enabled/http.conf
subst "s| *\(SetEnvIf.*\)|\n\
<Directory />\n\
Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews\n\
Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews $APACHEDIROPTIONS\n\
AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig\n\
......@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ st test -s /tmp/prepend.php || fatal "Empty prepend.php"
ATASK=/tmp/$(basename $TASK)
( [ -s "base.task" ] && cat base.task ; echo ; cat $TASK ; ) | st tee $ATASK >/dev/null
# empty line
echo "" | st tee -a $ATASK
# if we detected it before
echo "NAME=$NAME" | st tee -a $ATASK
echo "AUSER=$AUSER" | st tee -a $ATASK
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