Commit 63870f26 authored by Konstantin Artyushkin's avatar Konstantin Artyushkin

tar os for korinf script

parent 03375523
# - Try to implement to set an OS name manually, without eepm pack. Maybe a "-m" arg?
# check for distr_info
which distr_info || { echo "Has no distr_info command. Please install an eepm package" && exit 1; }
# get a distributive name and remove all slashes from it
DIST=$(distr_info | sed 's/\///')
# check needed dirs
[ ! -d /var/ftp/tmp ] && echo "Please: mount vbox:/var/ftp/tmp /var/ftp/tmp "
[ ! -d /mnt/systemroot ] && mkdir -p /mnt/systemroot
[ ! -d /var/ftp/tmp/KorinfOS/ ] && { echo "There is no /var/ftp/tmp/KorinfOS/ directory. Please check your rights and try to create it." && exit 1; }
# main
mount --bind / /mnt/systemroot
tar cfpvz /var/ftp/tmp/KorinfOS/"$DIST".tar.gz /mnt/systemroot
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