Commit 86ed4e2c authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

commit clean file

parent 863afa57
......@@ -2,13 +2,7 @@
#for task in crosswords miloserdie propovedi katehizacija ; do
#for task in fiction zdorovie rabota news ; do
#for task in priobretaykitay ; do
#for task in deti parkhomenko stenyaev molitvoslov ; do
#for task in bogosluzhenie chinaorthodox ; do
#for task in viktorina shorohova orthodoxy ; do
for task in days ; do
for task in duhovnikforum test ; do
veid=$(grep sites80 $CONFDIR/$task.conf | sed -e "s|.*//sites80\([0-9][0-9]\).*|\1|" | head -n1)
[ -n "$veid" ] || { echo "skip $task" ; continue ; }
cat <<EOF >ves/$task.task
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