Commit a2cf9abf authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

improve print_*.sh

parent 73d77463
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for i in $PHYSORDER ; do
printf "ata%2s. " "$n"
if grep -q " $i$" $0.log ; then
DEV="$(grep " $i$" $0.log | sed -e "s| .*||")"
health $DEV || echo "NACCESS"
health $DEV || echo "NACCESS to $DEV"
printf "%s %7s %s\n" "$(print_dev_type $DEV)" "$(print_size $DEV)" "$(grep " $i$" $0.log)"
grep " $i$" $0.log >> $0.log.found
......@@ -4,6 +4,15 @@ PROGDIR=$(dirname "$0")
[ "$PROGDIR" = "." ] && PROGDIR=$(pwd)
echo "md:"
for dev in $(echo /sys/class/block/md*) ; do
echo "$(basename $dev) $(print_partsize $dev)"
DEV="/dev/$(basename $dev)"
echo "$DEV $(print_partsize $dev) $(blkid $DEV)"
echo "dm:"
echo /dev/dm* | xargs -n1 blkid
echo "LVM:"
echo /dev/{SSD,HYBRID,HDD}/* | xargs -n1 blkid
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