Commit e794fd68 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

update scripts

parent 7ce850e4
df -h | grep vz/private
echo "Total in Gb:"
wcalc "(0 + $(df -k | grep vz/private | cut -b 37-47 | xargs -n1 echo -n " + ") )/1024/1024"
df -h /var/lib/vz
\ No newline at end of file
#exec &>./doeverywhere.log
HOSTS="devel windsor cellar priv host03 fund clients de01 azbyka azbykar telros"
for i in $HOSTS
VZLIST=$(ssh $i ' vzlist|tr -s " "|cut -f2 -d" "|grep -v CTID ')
for j in $VZLIST
echo $i '-' $j ':'
###ssh $i vzctl exec $j <<<place the command here (with spaces without quotes)>>>
ssh $i vzctl exec $j apt-cache policy glusterfs3-client
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#exec &>./pkgeverywhere.log
HOSTS="devel windsor cellar priv host03 fund clients de01 azbyka azbykar telros"
PACKAGE="openssh-server openssl"
for i in $HOSTS
#vzctl exec 1001 apt-get update
#vzctl exec 1001 apt-get install glusterfs3-server glusterfs3-client
#vzctl exec 1002 apt-get update
#vzctl exec 1002 apt-get install glusterfs3-server glusterfs3-client
#sleep 3
vzctl exec 1001 service glusterd start
vzctl exec 1002 service glusterd start
vzctl exec 1001 mkdir -p /var/local/eterglust
vzctl exec 1002 mkdir -p /var/local/eterglust
sleep 3
vzctl exec 1001 gluster peer probe host1002
vzctl exec 1001 gluster volume create test replica 2 host1001:/var/local/eterglust host1002:/var/local/eterglust force
sleep 3
vzctl exec 1001 gluster volume start test
sleep 3
vzctl exec 1002 mkdir -p /mnt/test
vzctl exec 1002 mount -t glusterfs host1001:test /mnt/test
vzctl exec 1002 df -h /mnt/test
vzctl exec 1002 mkdir -p /mnt/testtmp
vzctl exec 1002 mount -t glusterfs lav:ftp-tmp /mnt/testtmp
vzctl exec 1002 df -h /mnt/testtmp
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