Commit f4b9d33b authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

update vz everywhere

parent 9c02cd56
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#exec &>./doeverywhere.log
HOSTS="devel windsor cellar priv host03 fund clients de01 azbyka azbykar telros a01 a02"
HOSTS="devel windsor cellar priv host03 fund clients de01 azbykar telros a01 a02"
for i in $HOSTS
......@@ -11,12 +11,20 @@ do
for j in $VZLIST
echo $i '-' $j ':'
#echo $i '-' $j ':'
###ssh $i vzctl exec $j <<<place the command here (with spaces without quotes)>>>
ssh $i vzctl exec $j epmI -y openssh-server
#ssh $i vzctl exec $j epmI -y openssl openssh-server
#ssh $i vzctl exec $j serv sshd condrestart
#ssh $i vzctl exec $j serv nginx condrestart
#ssh $i vzctl exec $j rpm -q openssl|grep -v '1.0.2k'
#ssh $i vzctl exec $j rpm -q openssh-server
#ssh $i vzctl exec $j cat /etc/redhat-release
[ x$(ssh $i vzctl exec $j distr_info 2>/dev/null ) = x'ALTLinux/Sisyphus' ] && echo $i '-' $j ':'
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