Commit 26a0372e authored by Devaev Maxim's avatar Devaev Maxim

new build 0.1-alt6 (with rpmlog script)

parent 4498bce4
Name: settingsd
Version: 0.1
Release: alt5
Release: alt6
Summary: Settingsd - extensible service to control the operating system via D-Bus
......@@ -48,6 +48,27 @@ Extensible service to control the operating system via D-Bus.
* Mon Nov 15 2010 Devaev Maxim <> 0.1-alt6
- added exception on process fail to fmod_system_services at first services loading
- added module for check SMART status
- added signal for disk changed to disks_smart
- additional version constants: functionality level and development status
- add simple SMART support checking
- add tools module with execProcess()
- aPI for determine settingsd version and functionality level
- dBus policy for fmod_disks_smart
- dynamic add and remove system services by inotify events on /etc/rc.d/init.d
- enable GObject threads
- fixed bug with getting dict of sharedObjects
- installation info and dynamic classifiers from settingsd/
- merge branch 'master' of git.eter:/people/mdevaev/packages/settingsd
- moved raising SubprocessFailure to tools module
- new {submod} macros for logger
- refactoring all function modules for using tools
- removed unused modules
- systemServices in shared
- using constructor instead initService(), first run not emits signals
* Wed Nov 10 2010 Devaev Maxim <> 0.1-alt5
- changed return value type of meminfo API from float to int
- dBus policy for fmod_ntp_config
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