Commit 3d0e6acb authored by Devaev Maxim's avatar Devaev Maxim

Refactored module, added macros support

parent f52363cc
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import sys
import traceback
import inspect
import syslog
import const
......@@ -26,6 +27,17 @@ ALL_MESSAGES_LIST = (
(" Error ", "\033[31m Error \033[0m"),
("Warning", "\033[33mWarning\033[0m"),
("Notice ", "\033[32mNotice \033[0m"),
(" Info ", "\033[32m Info \033[0m"),
("Details", "\033[36mDetails\033[0m"),
(" Debug ", " Debug ")
##### Exceptions #####
class UnknownMessageType(Exception) :
......@@ -38,20 +50,16 @@ def log(message_type, message) :
raise UnknownMessageType("Message type \"%d\" not in list %s" % (message_type, ALL_MESSAGES_LIST))
if message_type[2] <= config.value(config.APPLICATION_SECTION, "log_level") :
message_type_texts_list = (
(" Error ", "\033[31m Error \033[0m"),
("Warning", "\033[33mWarning\033[0m"),
("Notice ", "\033[32mNotice \033[0m"),
(" Info ", "\033[32m Info \033[0m"),
("Details", "\033[36mDetails\033[0m"),
(" Debug ", " Debug ")
if MODULE_CALLER_NAME_TAG in message :
try :
message = message.replace(MODULE_CALLER_NAME_TAG, inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back).__name__)
except : pass
colored_index = int(sys.stderr.isatty() and config.value(config.APPLICATION_SECTION, "log_use_colors"))
for message_list_item in message.split("\n") :
print >> sys.stderr, "[ %s ]: %s" % (message_type_texts_list[message_type[0]][colored_index], message_list_item)
print >> sys.stderr, "[ %s ]: %s" % (ALL_MESSAGES_TEXTS_LIST[message_type[0]][colored_index], message_list_item)
if config.value(config.RUNTIME_SECTION, "use_syslog") :
syslog.syslog(message_type[1], "[ %s ]: %s" % (message_type_texts_list[message_type[0]][0], message_list_item))
syslog.syslog(message_type[1], "[ %s ]: %s" % (ALL_MESSAGES_TEXTS_LIST[message_type[0]][0], message_list_item))
##### Public methods #####
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