Commit db7308c5 authored by Devaev Maxim's avatar Devaev Maxim

Added module for control of system services

parent a18849e0
......@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ enabled = yes
enabled = yes
enabled = yes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import subprocess
from settingsd import config
from settingsd import service
from settingsd import shared
from settingsd import dbus_tools
from settingsd import logger
##### Private constants #####
SERVICE_NAME = "services"
RUNLEVELS = "0123456"
##### Exceptions #####
class SubprocessFailure(Exception) :
class IncorrectArgument(Exception) :
##### Private classes #####
class SystemService(service.FunctionObject) :
def __init__(self, system_service_name, object_path, service_object = None) :
service.FunctionObject.__init__(self, object_path, service_object)
self._system_service_name = system_service_name
### DBus methods ###
@service.functionMethod("service", in_signature="s", out_signature="i")
def on(self, levels = None) :
return self.setLevels(levels, True)
@service.functionMethod("service", in_signature="s", out_signature="i")
def off(self, levels = None) :
return self.setLevels(levels, False)
@service.functionMethod("service", out_signature="s")
def levelsMap(self) :
proc_args = "%s --list %s" % (config.value(SERVICE_NAME, "chkconfig_prog_path"), self.systemServiceName())
(proc_stdout, proc_stderr, proc_returncode) = self.execProcess(proc_args)
if proc_returncode != 0 :
raise SubprocessFailure("Error while execute \"%s\"\nStdout: %s\nStderr: %s" % (proc_args, proc_stdout, proc_stderr))
service_record_list = re.split(r"\s+", proc_stdout.split("\n")[0])
levels_list = ["0"]*(len(service_record_list) - 1)
for count in xrange(1, len(service_record_list)) :
(level, state) = service_record_list[count].split(":")
levels_list[int(level)] = ( "1" if state == "on" else "0" )
return "".join(levels_list)
@service.functionMethod("service", out_signature="s")
def shortDescription(self) :
return "" # TODO: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/scservices/core/ in RHEL
@service.functionMethod("service", out_signature="s")
def description(self) :
return "" # TODO: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/scservices/core/ in RHEL
@service.functionMethod("service", out_signature="i")
def start(self) :
logger.verbose("{mod}: Request to start service \"%s\"" % (self.systemServiceName()))
return self.execProcess("%s start" % (os.path.join(config.value(SERVICE_NAME, "initd_dir_path"), self.systemServiceName())))[2]
@service.functionMethod("service", out_signature="i")
def stop(self) :
return self.execProcess("%s stop" % (os.path.join(config.value(SERVICE_NAME, "initd_dir_path"), self.systemServiceName())))[2]
logger.verbose("{mod}: Request to stop service \"%s\"" % (self.systemServiceName()))
@service.functionMethod("service", out_signature="i")
def status(self) :
return self.execProcess("%s status" % (os.path.join(config.value(SERVICE_NAME, "initd_dir_path"), self.systemServiceName())))[2]
### Private ###
def systemServiceName(self) :
return self._system_service_name
def setLevels(self, levels, enabled_flag) :
levels = self.validateLevels(levels)
logger.verbose("Request to %s service \"%s\" on runlevels \"%s\"" % ( ( "enable" if enabled_flag else "disable" ),
self.systemServiceName(), ( levels if levels != None else "default" ) ))
proc_args = "%s %s %s %s" % ( config.value(SERVICE_NAME, "chkconfig_prog_path"), ( "--level %s" % (levels) if levels != None else "" ),
self.systemServiceName(), ( "on" if enabled_flag else "off" ) )
(proc_stdout, proc_stderr, proc_returncode) = self.execProcess(proc_args)
if proc_returncode != 0 :
raise SubprocessFailure("Error while execute \"%s\"\nStdout: %s\nStderr: %s" % (proc_args, proc_stdout, proc_stderr))
return proc_returncode
def execProcess(self, proc_args) :
logger.debug("{mod}: Executing child process \"%s\"" % (proc_args))
proc = subprocess.Popen(proc_args, shell=True, bufsize=1024, close_fds=True,
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
env={ "LC_ALL" : "C" })
(proc_stdout, proc_stderr) = proc.communicate()
logger.debug("{mod}: Child process \"%s\" finished, return code = %d" % (proc_args, proc.returncode))
return (proc_stdout, proc_stderr, proc.returncode)
def validateLevels(self, levels) :
if type(levels).__name__ in ("str", "String") :
if len(levels) == 0 :
levels = None
for level in levels :
if not level in RUNLEVELS :
raise IncorrectArgument("Incorrect item \"%s\" in argument \"%s\"" % (level, levels))
elif type (levels).__name__ == "NoneType" :
else :
raise IncorrectArgument("Incorrect type \"%s\" of argument" % (type(levels).__name__))
return levels
##### Public classes #####
class Service(service.Service) :
### Public ###
def initService(self) :
proc_args = "%s --list" % (config.value(SERVICE_NAME, "chkconfig_prog_path"))
logger.debug("{mod}: Executing child process \"%s\"" % (proc_args))
proc = subprocess.Popen(proc_args, shell=True, bufsize=1024, close_fds=True,
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
env={ "LC_ALL" : "C" })
(proc_stdout, proc_stderr) = proc.communicate()
logger.debug("{mod}: Child process \"%s\" finished, return code = %d" % (proc_args, proc.returncode))
if proc.returncode != 0 :
raise SubprocessFailure("Error while execute \"%s\"\nStdout: %s\nStderr: %s" % (proc_args, proc_stdout, proc_stderr))
system_service_count = 0
for system_service_record in proc_stdout.split("\n") :
system_service_record_list = re.split(r"\s+", system_service_record)
if len(system_service_record_list) != len(RUNLEVELS) + 1 :
system_service_name = system_service_record_list[0]
dbus_system_service_name = system_service_name.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
shared.Functions.shared(SHARED_SERVICE_NAME).addSharedObject(dbus_system_service_name, SystemService(system_service_name,
dbus_tools.joinPath(SERVICE_NAME, dbus_system_service_name), self))
system_service_count += 1
logger.verbose("{mod}: Added %d system services" % (system_service_count))
def serviceName(self) :
def optionsList(self) :
return [
(SERVICE_NAME, "initd_dir_path", "/etc/init.d", str),
(SERVICE_NAME, "chkconfig_prog_path", "/sbin/chkconfig", str)
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