Commit 34e7561b authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmbph: add comment about Ctrl-\ to spec diff output

parent 9ff0a7b0
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ if [ "$VENDOR" = "alt" ] && is_gear $SPECDIR ; then
git merge $CURBRANCH
# FIXME: Ctrl-\ and q will cancelled less with return error code
if ! git diff $USEBRANCH ; then
if ! ( echo "# etersoft-build-utils NOTE: You can press Ctrl-\ before quit for cancel process."; echo ; git diff $USEBRANCH ) | less; then
#git checkout $SPEC $MDISTR
#git checkout $CURBRANCH
fatal "User cancelled. You are still in $USEBRANCH branch with modified spec"
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