Commit 3dbc96c7 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmgs: fix regression with macros using in Source-NNN line

parent fa9150ff
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ function source_ext()
NEWSOURCE="$(echo "$NEWSOURCE" | sed -e 's|\&|\\&|g')"
# TODO: use special field before %build
#cat $1 | sed -e "s|^Summary:.*||g" | sed -e "s|^\(\%description.*\)|Summary: $NEWSOURCE\n\1|g" > $TMPSPEC
cat $1 | sed -e "s|^Summary:.*|Summary: $NEWSOURCE|" > $TMPSPEC
cat $1 | sed -e "s|^Summary:.*||" | sed -e "s|^# $SN-$2:.*|Summary: $NEWSOURCE|" > $TMPSPEC
GETSOURCEEXT=$(eval_spec "$TMPSPEC" | get_var "Summary")
#rhas "$GETSOURCEEXT" "%" && fatal "some macro unexpanded in URL. Check $TMPSPEC"
rm -f "$TMPSPEC"
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