Commit 3f63f2c4 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmgs: improve support for gitmodules

parent 36640504
......@@ -283,15 +283,20 @@ update_post_git_submodules()
cat $(get_root_git_dir)/.gear/rules | grep -q "tar:.*-postsubmodules" || fatal "missed tar:.gear/$BASENAME-postmodules in $(get_root_git_dir)/.gear/rules"
[ -s $(get_root_git_dir)/.gitmodules ] || fatal "there is no .gitmodules file in repo root"
cd $(get_root_git_dir) || fatal
docmd git submodule init
docmd git submodule sync
docmd git submodule update || fatal
rm -rfv $PSM/*
# echo * do not catch .names really
cp -a $(echo * | grep -v -E "(.gear|.git)") $PSM/ || fatal #"
find $PSM -name ".git" -type f -delete -print
find $PSM -name ".gitsubmodules" -type f -delete -print
#cp -a $(echo * | grep -v -E "(.gear|.git)") $PSM/ || fatal #"
#find $PSM -name ".git" -type f -delete -print
#find $PSM -name ".gitmodules" -type f -delete -print
local i
for i in $(grep "path = " .gitmodules | sed -e "s|.*path = \(.*\)|\1|") ; do #"
cp -a --parents $i $PSM/ || fatal
docmd git add -f $PSM
# TODO: put short commit id in a description
# git rev-parse --short HEAD
......@@ -430,7 +435,7 @@ do
# Set version if needed
if [ -n "$GSSETVERSION" ] && [ "$GSSETVERSION" != "HEAD" ] ; then
CURVER=$(get_version $spec)
set_version $spec $GSSETVERSION
set_version $spec ${GSSETVERSION/-*/}
if [ "$CURVER" != "$GSSETVERSION" ] ; then
set_release $spec $GSSETRELEASE
if [ -n "$GSSETRELEASE" ] ; then
......@@ -532,7 +537,7 @@ do
if [ "$GSSETVERSION" = "HEAD" ] ; then
docmd git merge upstream/master
local alternate_tag1
#local alternate_tag1
alternate_tag1="$(echo "v$GSSETVERSION" | sed -e "s|\.|-|g")"
docmd git merge v$GSSETVERSION || docmd git merge $GSSETVERSION || docmd git merge $alternate_tag1 || fatal
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