Commit 40718cb1 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

branch: add support gremote (update branch from gear repo)

parent 4d35f3e6
......@@ -53,11 +53,28 @@ checkout_bpbranch()
echo "$CURBRANCH" > $(get_root_git_dir)/.git/.rpmbph.current
local PGEAR="gear"
# Create branch if not exist yet
if is_exist_branch $USEBRANCH ; then
docmd git checkout $USEBRANCH || fatal "Can't checkout branch $USEBRANCH. Use $BPSPEC manually or remove it."
# if we successful with gear
if git branch -a | grep -q "remotes/$PGEAR/$USEBRANCH" ; then
docmd git fetch $PGEAR $USEBRANCH
docmd git merge --ff-only $PGEAR/$USEBRANCH || fatal
info "Creating branch $USEBRANCH..."
if ! git branch -a | grep -q "remotes/$PGEAR/$USEBRANCH" ; then
# if we have no fetched branch
docmd gremote $GIRARHOST -o
# if we successful with gear
if git branch -a | grep -q "remotes/$PGEAR/$USEBRANCH" ; then
docmd git fetch $PGEAR $USEBRANCH
docmd git checkout -b $USEBRANCH $PGEAR/$USEBRANCH || fatal
docmd git checkout -b $USEBRANCH || fatal
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