Commit 495f1b9d authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmbph: it is possible to use AutoReq with spaces after comma

parent 26334f79
......@@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ fi
# Auto*=yes,nomingw32 works only since ALT 4.1
if [ "$PKGVENDOR" = "alt" ] ; then
if echo "$MDISTR" | egrep -q "M24|M30|M40" ; then
subst "s|^\(AutoReq.*\),nomingw32|\1|g" $SPECNAME
subst "s|^\(AutoProv.*\),nomingw32|\1|g" $SPECNAME
subst "s|^\(Auto[RP].*\),nomingw32|\1|g" $SPECNAME
subst "s|^\(Auto[RP].*\), nomingw32|\1|g" $SPECNAME
# for systems with ash as sh (f.i., Ubuntu)
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