Commit 6073153e authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpm: disable specname warning

parent 82fa5177
......@@ -54,10 +54,11 @@ build_rpms_name()
RPMSOURCEDIR=`rpm --eval %_sourcedir | subst_namever`
[ -n "$RPMSOURCEDIR" ] || fatal "Can't detect RPM/SOURCES dir"
local BNS NSS
NSS=`basename $NAMESPEC`
test "$NSS" != "$BNS" && warning "Spec name ($NSS) is not equal to Name of package ($BNS)"
# Lav 18.10.11 FIXME: need we this warning?
#local BNS NSS
#NSS=`basename $NAMESPEC`
#test "$NSS" != "$BNS" && warning "Spec name ($NSS) is not equal to Name of package ($BNS)"
rm -f $tmprpm
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