Commit 76325d93 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

intro ArchLinux x86_64 adoption

parent b945f09c
......@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ add_32bit_requires()
echo "$i"
done | xargs -n 1000 echo
elif [ "$DISTRNAME" = "Ubuntu" ] && version_more_version $DISTRVERSION 12.04 || [ "$DISTRNAME" = "Debian" ] && version_more_version $DISTRVERSION 7.0 ; then
# i386 on Ubuntu
# i386 on Debian/Ubuntu
# add :i386 to all -dev packages
for i in $* ; do
echo $i | grep -q -- "-dev$" && echo "$i $i:i386" && continue
echo "$i"
done | xargs -n 1000 echo
elif [ "$DISTRNAME" = "ArchLinux" ] ; then
# i386 on ArchLinux
# add lib32- to all lib packages
for i in $* ; do
echo $i | grep -q -- "^lib" && echo "lib32-$i" && continue
echo "$i"
done | xargs -n 1000 echo
echo "$@"
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