Commit 9a462cbd authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

sort second list, remove duplicated, remove dups with first list

parent 041104c6
......@@ -21,11 +21,15 @@ print_usedby()
echo "Required by:"
print_list $USEDBY
echo "Second required by:"
print_list `list_wd $USEDBY`
for i in `list_wd $USEDBY | sort -u` ; do
# skip repeated
echo $USEDBY | grep -q $i && continue
echo " $i"
SPECLIST=`find $RPMDIR/SPECS -type f -name "*.spec"`
[ -n "$SPECLIST" ] || SPECLIST=`find $RPMDIR/SPECS -type f -name "*.spec"`
for i in $SPECLIST ; do
if echo $i | grep -q HELP ; then
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