Commit a4b4470f authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpm: do not check MENV during src.rpm packing

parent 2b510819
......@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ uni_rpmbuild()
[ -f "$SPECNAME" ] || fatal "run uni_rpmbuild with spec as 2nd parameter"
shift # skip spec name
#[ -n "$SPECDIR" ] && [ "$SPECDIR" != "." ] && warning "Spec is not in git dir (SPECDIR='$SPECDIR')"
if [ "$MENV" = "SS" ] ; then
# build package without MENV checking
if true || [ "$MENV" = "SS" ] ; then
$NICE $GEAR --commit --rpmbuild -- $RPMBUILD "$ONEPARAM" "$TWOPARAM" $@ || RET=$?
fatal "Build backported src.rpm from git is unsupported now"
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