Commit bab63447 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

gitask: improve help

parent d2e7936d
# 2017, 2018 (c) Etersoft
# 2017, 2018, 2019 (c) Etersoft
# Author: Vitaly Lipatov <>
# Public domain
......@@ -10,21 +10,26 @@ load_mod git
set_girar_host $1 && shift
if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then
echo "gitask ssh gear.alt task wrapper"
echo "Use: gitask [GIRAR] [task|log|show|ls|quota]"
echo "gitask ssh gear.alt task wrapper"
echo "Use: gitask [GIRAR] [task|add|log|show|ls|quota]"
echo "$HELP_GIRAR"
echo " --help - help"
docmd ssh $GEARHOST task help | sed -e "s|abort|cancel|g"
echo "Examples:"
echo " new [p8] - create new task [on p8]"
echo " run [NNNN] [--test|--test-only] [--commit] - run task NNNN (no test-only with --commit)"
echo " commit [NNNN] - commit task NNNN (the same as run --commit)"
echo " add del package - add package remove command"
echo " new [p8] - create new task [on p8 branch, Sisyphus by default]"
echo " run [NNNN] - run task NNNN"
echo " commit [NNNN] [NNNN2] - commit task(s) NNNN, [NNNN2]"
echo " add del package [package2] - add package remove command"
echo " add --help - show task add help"
echo " task --help - show task help"
echo " share NNNN [enable] - share task NNNN"
echo " deps NNNN add XXXX - add deps from XXXX to task NNNN"
echo " copy NNNN to (p8|p9) [from XX] - copy package from Sisyphus to (p8|p9) [from XX]"
echo " find PACKAGE - do find-package of PACKAGE"
echo " log NNNN - show build log for task NNNN"
echo " show NNNN - show subtask list for task NNNN"
echo " quota - show quota on the build server"
echo " cancel NNNN - cancel task NNNN"
echo " rebuild --help - rebuild package"
exit 0
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