Commit bad98ffd authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

add handle ssh and local target to get_etersoft_srpm_path

parent e01d7f80
......@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ get_etersoft_srpm_path()
[ -n "$SOURCEFTP" ] || fatal "Can't get Source from spec"
if ! echo $SOURCEFTP | grep -q $COMPANYFTP ; then
# if source if not known target, just return empty and we will use UPLOADDIR var
# FIXME: pass foreign path, needs to handle proto:// separately from ftp.eter:/path
if ! echo $SOURCEFTP | grep -q $COMPANYFTP && ! echo $SOURCEFTP | grep -q ":" && ! echo $SOURCEFTP | grep -q "^/"; then
# if source if not known target, or not ssh dest, or local local path,
# just return empty and we will use UPLOADDIR var
# TODO: we can use table for URL translating
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