Commit c89f8d8c authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

fix override tag

parent d0b78352
......@@ -124,8 +124,14 @@ check_gear_and_tag()
# try direct set rule file
# FIXME: always use for gear repo path to rule file
# Note: gear-create-tag can't use links, hack with readlink
if [ "$RESULT" = 1 ] && $GEARCTAG $FORCE 2>&1 | grep -q "Too many specfiles found"; then
docmd $GEARCTAG $FORCE -r .gear/$(readlink .gear/rules) && RESULT=0
# TODO: skip notification if tag still at last commit
if [ "$RESULT" = 1 ] ; then
if $GEARCTAG $FORCE 2>&1 | grep -q "Too many specfiles found"; then
docmd $GEARCTAG $FORCE -r .gear/$(readlink .gear/rules) && RESULT=0
elif $GEARCTAG $FORCE 2>&1 | grep -q "already exists"; then
echog "Note! Tag unchanged! Use -f key for override tag"
test -z "$TAG" || docmd git tag -v "$TAG" || fatal "Tag $TAG is missed in repo"
cd - >/dev/null
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