Commit f8edad0c authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

loginhsh: add eepm inside of hasher

parent ac8746bd
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ fi
echog "Prepare hasher in $HASHERDIR ..."
# there is package names in LISTRPMARGS
UTILPKG="mc eepm"
# GNOME program needs dbus-tools-gui
if epm requires $LISTNAMES 2>/dev/null | grep -q dbus ; then
......@@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ docmd $HSH-shell $HASHERDIR $SHELLHASHERARG $ROOTER -Y --shell
if [ -n "$AUTOMODE" ] ; then
# FIXME: do not remove on x86_64
echo "Remove package for test preun scripts"
# use when eepm >= 1.3.0 will everywhere
#docmd $HSH-run --rooter $HASHERDIR -- epm remove $LISTNAMES
docmd $HSH-run --rooter $HASHERDIR -- rpm -e $(drop_pkg_extensions $LISTNAMES)
echo "Cleanup hasher in $HASHERDIR..."
docmd $HSH --cleanup-only $HASHERDIR
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